Comments on eurytrematosis in Brazil and the possibility of human infection

来源 :World Journal of Experimental Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq382585541
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The manuscript “Eurytrematosis: An emerging and neglected disease in South Brazil” discusses some aspects of Eurytrema sp. fluke as an animal pathogen and based in some aspects of the parasitism in cattle and the life cycle of Eurytrema sp. Authors suggest the possibility of human infection, once there is no research on this subject in Brazil. In human cases reported, the mechanism of infection was not disclosed, so it keeps the discussion opened. Although we focused on animal eurytrematosis, we speculated the possibility of human infection by Eurytrema sp. in Brazil, but after all, the only way to determine it, would be a study searching for people infected through coprological or serological tests. The manuscript “Eurytrematosis: An emerging and neglected disease in South Brazil” "Inquiry some aspects of Eurytrema sp. Fluke as an animal pathogen and based in some aspects of the parasitism in cattle and the life cycle of Eurytrema sp. Authors suggests of human infection, once there is no research on this subject in Brazil. In human cases reported, the mechanism of infection was not disclosed, so it keeps (TRP) the discussion opened. Although we focused on animal eurytrematosis, we speculated the possibility of human infection by Eurytrema sp. In Brazil, but after all, the only way to confirm it, would be a study searching for people infected through coprological or serological tests.
<正> 在读过了不少大同小异的美学史研究论文之后,读到栾勋的《现象环与中国古代美学思想》一文(载《文学评论》88年第6期),不说是令人拍案叫绝,也堪称让人耳目一新。任何重大的理论现象都是一个独立的生命系统。从历时角度看,它有自己孕育、发生、发展乃至衰老的生命过程;从共时角度看,它由庞杂丰富的外部表象、有机的理论肌理和深层的思维模式,构成完整的生命机体。很显然,这种生命机体包蕴着不同的层次,不同的内涵。与此相应,对它的研究,也就显示出不同的层次,不同的境界。首先是对丰富庞杂的表象材料进行系统地