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7月23日,胡锦涛总书记在中央党校省部级主要领导干部专题研讨班开班式上发表了重要讲话。讲话科学分析了当前我国面临的新形势、新任务,深刻阐述了事关党和国家全局的若干重大问题,深刻回答了党和国家未来发展的一系列理论和实践问题,提出了当前和今后一个时期党和国家工作的总要求,对团结和动员全国各族人民解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、开拓创新,满怀信心地为全面建成小康社会而奋斗具有十分重要的意义。党的十六大以来,我们之所以能战胜各种困难,取得改革发展的辉煌成就,就是因为我们始终坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,勇于推进实践基础上的理论创新,形成和贯彻了科学发展观。 On July 23, General Secretary Hu Jintao delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the seminar on the major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels of the Central Party School. The speech scientifically analyzed the new situation and new tasks our country is facing now, profoundly expounded on a number of major issues concerning the overall situation of the party and the state, profoundly answered a series of theoretical and practical questions on the future development of the party and the country, put forward the current and future The general requirements of the work of the party and the state during the period are of great significance to uniting and mobilizing the people of all nationalities throughout the country to emancipate their minds, seek truth from facts, advance with the times, make innovations, and confidently build a well-off society in an all-round way. Since the 16th National Congress of the Party, the brilliant achievements we have made in overcoming all kinds of difficulties and attaining the reform and development are because we have always adhered to the guidance of the important thoughts of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents , Brave to promote theoretical innovation based on practice, the formation and implementation of the scientific concept of development.
我院自1995年5月至今分别用施他宁、垂体后叶素治疗肝硬化、食道、胃底静脉曲张破裂大出血76例。施他宁止血效果好,副作用明显低于垂体后叶素,现报告如下。 In our hospita
1983年开始我院应用 olympus GIF-D_4,GIF-k_3,GIF XQ30型胃镜,共检查4877例,检查发现39种疾病,现将其资料总结分析如下:一、临床资料:在4877例胃镜检查中男3837例,女1040例