邓小平理论学习纲要 第五讲 建设有中国特色社会主义经济的根本指导思想

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邓小平经济理论,是建设有中国特色社会主义经济的根本指导思想,在邓小平理论中占有十分突出的地位。一、邓小平经济理论的主要内容。邓小平经济理论,立足于中国实际,着眼于建设有中国特色社会主义的总目标和实现中国现代化的伟大历史任务,深刻地揭示了像中国这样的发展中国家社会主义经济建设和发展的规律。这一理论,从中国国情和社会主义发展阶段、社会主义的本质和根本任务,社会主义基本经济制度和体制、经济发展动力和外部条件、经济建设的战略和部署、经济工作的基本原则和指导方针,到社会主义经济建设的思想政治保证和社会环境等一系列重大理论和实践问题,都作了科学的论断和精辟的论述,构成了一个内容丰富的科学理论体系。邓小平经济理论,丰富和发展了马克思主义理论,是邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping’s economic theory is the fundamental guiding principle in building a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics and occupies a prominent position in Deng Xiaoping Theory. First, the main contents of Deng Xiaoping’s economic theory. Based on China’s reality, Deng Xiaoping’s economic theory focuses on the general goal of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the great historical mission of China’s modernization. It profoundly reveals the laws governing the construction and development of the socialist economy in developing countries such as China. This theory is based on the development of China’s national conditions and socialism, the nature and fundamental tasks of socialism, the basic economic system and system of socialism, the motive force and external conditions for economic development, the strategy and deployment of economic construction, the basic principles and guidance for economic work Principle, to the socialist economic construction of the ideological and political assurance and social environment and a series of major theoretical and practical issues, made a scientific conclusion and brilliant exposition, constitutes a rich content of the scientific theory system. Deng Xiaoping’s economic theory enriches and develops Marxist theory and is Deng Xiaoping Theory
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