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  桨声灯影 美在气韵
  别样展品 戏文朗诵
  独特立意 旨在高远
  但乌镇此次特展,却又与众不同:正因为有了乌镇戏剧节、木心美术馆这样的文化配置和设施,乌镇便与普通的旅游景区拉开了档次。乌镇“掌门人”陈向宏在接受笔者采访时说:“我想让家乡名满天下,但更想让在乌镇长大的孩子,足不出户,就能享受到艺术的熏陶。木心小时候读了很多外国文学,如果他长在封闭的环境里,没有接触到更广领域的东西,我觉得也成就不了他。有了戏剧节、艺术展,未来的乌镇,说不定会有第二个茅盾、木心。”   我想,這也大概就是本次特展最大的意义所在。
  The year 1616 saw the fall of two shiniest stars of the time. William Shakespeare, the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s pre-eminent dramatist died in Stratford-upon-Avon at the age of 52, on April 23. Later that year, China’s most remembered dramatist Tang Xianzu left the world in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province. In the course of more than 400 years, the two lived in the hearts of their fans just like they have never left. Artist and writer Mu Xin, a low-profile but highly influential cultural figure in the New York of his time, was one of the hard-core fans of the two.
  “It is a shame that the world failed in doing justice to Tang Xianzu as the man deserved, because he qualified as the Shakespeare of China,” Mu Xin noted sadly.
  The year 2016 saw the opening of Mu Xin Arts Museum in Wuzhen, the hometown of Mu Xin, who passed away in 2011. Quite coincidentally, a commemorative exhibition paying tribute to Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu kicked off in Wuzhen on October 21.
  The gap between the 4th Wuzhen Theater Festival and the 3rd World Internet Conference turned out to be an ideal time to enjoy the most authentic “water town” charm and the iconic Mu Xin Arts Museum, the construction of which took four years to complete. The minimalist design of the museum, with its cool geometric charm adding radiance to the refreshing surroundings, beautifully echoes the aesthetic taste of Mr. Mu Xin.
  High quality maintenance since its opening last winter makes the museum look like it was just unveiled yesterday. Several years ago, Mu Xin shared his earnest wishes with Chen Xianghong, designer and chief operator of Wuzhen Scenic Area. “What I call ‘Renaissance’ should be on top of the agenda of the local government; and it is very important to restore the long-lost interest in an artistic life and interpersonal understanding,” Mu Xin warned. The museum has proved a timely action taken to realize the wishes of Mu Xin in his beloved hometown.
  Interestingly, there is not much for today’s people to peer into the distant times of Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu, as the two did not leave behind a massive collection of memento. It is also for this reason that the Wuzhen exhibition did not fall into the “glossy”, sensational category.
  The lack of sensation, however, did not get in the way of the quality and appeal of the exhibition. In fact, it presents a charming being because of its “boutique” ambience. The exhibits were arranged in an exhibition space that allows entry of a maximum of only 20 people at a time. On the walls there were the abstracts of insightful comparison of the drama aesthetics of Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu from Mu Xin’s . In the eye of Mu Xin, Tang Xianzu was “an extremely sentimental person” and “it is the passion drawn from the real life for use in artistic creation that makes an artist shine”.
  A touching episode of the exhibition was a “Shakespeare recital” session, initiated and crafted by famous actor Pu Cunxin, who is an avid fan of Shakespeare. “Shakespeare lived in my heart throughout my younger years, inspiring me forever,” the actor said. The recital saw the appearance of a dozen performing artists including Song Chunli and Chen Xiaoyi.
  The first published comparison literature that put Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare together was from , written by Japanese sinologist Aoki Masaru in 1930.
  Wuzhen is just one of the venues that brought the two great playwrights back into the modern limelight. In the year 2016, Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu came to life in the world’s most cultural places on the global stage – on the shores of the Thames, in the editorial office of Shanghai People’s Publishing House, in Laos, Cairo and Dodoma, Tanzania, just to name a few.
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