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  (1) The policeman stopped John when he was driving to work andhim of speeding.
  A. chargedB. accusedC. blamed D. scolded
  【解析】B。句意为“警察指控约翰超速驾驶”,accuse sb. of doing sth.表示“指控某人犯有……”。
  (2) Mr. Smith graduallya good command of the English language.
  A. earned B. achieved C. required D. acquired
  【解析】D。句意为“史密斯先生逐渐地掌握了英语”,acquire表示“通过努力获得某种技能”。earn 获得(名声、报酬等),achieve 取得(胜利、成功)或实现(目标、目的),require要求,都不符合句意。
  (3) His white hair washis dark skin.
  A. in relation to B. in need of
  C. in contrast to D. in favor of
  【解析】C。句意为“他的白头发和深色皮肤形成对比”,in contrast to表示“与……相对照”。in relation to关系到,in need of需要、缺少,in favor of赞成,都不符合句意。
  (4) I’d beto tell you more about our work, if you have the time.
  A. puzzled B. delighted C. excited D. inspired
  (5) He fell overboard and nearly .
  A. drowned B. sunk C. wrecked D. submitted
  (6) Though he did not say so directly, the inspectorthe man was guilty.
  A. declared B. implied C. expressed D. said
  【解析】B。imply意为“暗示”,从前半句did not say so directly(没有直说)可以推断出答案。imply经常出现在阅读理解中,同学们应牢记其含义。
  (7) I didn’t get much of anof the place because it was dark when we drove through it.
  A. impression B. comment C. reaction D. opinion
  (8) Manycustomers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying.
  A. uncertain B. reliable C. potential D. unworthy
  (9) While typing, Helen has a habit of stoppingto give her long and flowing hair a smooth.
  A. occasionally B.constantly
  C. eventually D. directly
  【解析】A。 occasionally偶尔,constantly 不停地,eventually最终,directly直接。句意为“海伦打字的时候偶尔会停下,把头发理理顺”,根据语境,应选A。
  (10) Scientists have to work hard to keepwith modern discoveries and developments.
  A. company B. track C. touch D. pace
  【解析】D。句意为“科学家需要努力紧跟科技发展的步伐”,keep pace with表示“跟上”。track的固定搭配为keep track of,表示“通晓事态、了解动向”;keep in touch with与……保持联系,keep company with与……相伴,不符合句意。
  (11) The finalof the play will take place on Monday.
  A. action B. performanceC. view D. sight
  (12) Dick asked the teacher’sto leave school early.
  A. possibility B. permission C. choice D. selection
  (13) Keller is very . If he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.
  A. suitable B. possible C. capable D. reliable
  (14) It’sto even think about going out in such a terrible storm.
  A. reasonable B. regardless C. ridiculous D. rational
  【解析】C。reasonable, rational表示“合理的”,不合题意;regardless表示“不管不顾的”,用于形容某人的行为欠妥当,也不适合。ridiculous表示“荒唐的”,句意为“这样的暴雨天气还想出门,简直荒唐”。
  (15) She is sothat she cried for days when her pet squirrel died.
  A. sensitive B. active C. attentive D. impressive
  【解析】A。sensitive敏感的、易受伤害的,active 积极的,attentive 专心的,impressive给人留下印象的、感人的。根据句意“她的宠物死了,她哭了好几天”,可判断她很多愁善感。
  (16) His name was on theof my tongue, but I just couldn’t recall it.
  A. end B. point C. edge D. tip
  【解析】D。on/at the tip of one’s tongue是固定搭配,表示“话在嘴边,一时说不出”。on the point of 正要(去做某事),on the edge of在……边缘,不符合句意。
  (17) Technology has greatlyour way of life.
  A. strengthened B. transformed C. undertakenD. suspended
  【解析】B。 strengthen 增强,transform 改变,undertake从事、负责(某事),suspend推迟、暂停。句意为“技术改变了我们的生活”,故选B。
  (18) The endless public appearances are an inevitable part of an election .
  A. plan B. campaign C. board D. policy
  【解析】B。句意为“连续的公开露面是选举活动必要的一部分”,campaign表示“(政治)运动或(竞选)活动”。plan计划,board 委员会,policy方针、政策,不合题意。
  (19) It is atruth that man is the only animal that has the power to speak and reason.
   A. valuable B. rare C. universal D. impossible
  【解析】C。universal truth固定搭配,表示“普遍真理”。
  (20) If you just stay in this city for few days, we can give you alibrary card and you can still make use of the books in the city library.
  A. terminal B. temporary C. regular D. lasting
  【解析】B。 terminal 每学期的,temporary临时的,regular常规的,lasting 持久的。由句意可知某人“只在城里待几天”,所以给一张“临时的”借书卡就行了。
  (21) Hethe pills quickly and then drank some orange juice.
  A. sucked B. swallowed C. licked D. digested
  (22) The rebuilding plan will beto the construction committee immeidately.
  A. taped B. admitted C. desired D. submitted
  (23) The public has appealed to the government to find ato the problem of pollution.
  A. result B. cause C. settlement D. solution
  (24) He works in our university as a visiting , not as a formal faculty member.
  A. student B. scholar C. nurse D. pilot
  【解析】B。与formal faculty member(正式教员)相对应的是visiting scholar(访问学者)。
  (25) What is the total circulation of this professional ?
  A. player B. standard C. journal D. wagon
  (26) When you study in the United States, usually you have to buy your own health .
  A. insurance B. expense C. evidence D. payment
  【解析】A。health insurance意为“医疗保险”,句意为“到美国就学,购买医疗保险是必不可少的”。
  (27) When I read the newspaper, I always read thefirst.
  A. headlines B. headquarters C. deadlines D. skylines
  【解析】A。句意为“我看报纸时总是先看标题”,headline表示“标题”。headquarter总部,deadline最后期限,skyline(群山、都市建筑物等的) 空中轮廓,均不合题意。
  (28) Nobody believes he made such a foolish mistake. People say he is very .
  A. accurate B. practical C. honest D. careless
  (29) There is too much noise outside. I can notmy attention on my work.
  A. connect B. pay C. fill D. concentrate
  【解析】D。句意为“由于外面太吵闹,所以我无法集中注意力工作”,concentrate ... on表示“集中注意力”。“集中注意力”的另一个说法是pay attention to,但句中的介词为on,因此不能选B。
  (30) We areat the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.
  A. distinguished B. annoyed
  C. astonished D. scored
  (31) As a result of his hard work, he has gainedto the Harvard University.
  A. admission B. commitment
  C. opportunity D. reward
  【解析】A。gain admission to意为“获得大学入学许可”,即“被录取”的意思。
  (32) The housing agentour house at a total price of $260,000.
  A. counted B. calculated C. prized D. assessed
  【解析】D。句意为“房产经纪人为我们的房子估价26万”,assess ... at表示“估定……的价格”。price也有这个意思,但prize的意思就不同了,prize指“珍视、高度重视”。
  (33) The Bushmen arehunters even though their weapons are primitive.
  A. favourite B. original C. dangerous D. expert
  (34) The company refused the workers’that their wages (should) be raised.
  A. request B. demand C. inquiry D. proposal
  (35) Wild animals should not be locked in cages; they should be in their natural .
  A. surroundings B. positions
  C. residences D. dwellings
  【解析】A。natural surroundings意思是“自然环境”。residence和dwelling都是指“人工建造的住宅”,position意为“位置”。
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