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目的了解济阳县县乡级医院乙肝检测能力和医务人员乙肝监测知识水平现状,为进一步加强全县乙肝防治体系建设提供依据。方法对济阳县所辖的2所县区级和9所乡镇级医院进行调查,运用描述流行病学方法进行分析。结果济阳县县区级医务人员初级职称者占52.54%,本科及以上学历占91.53%。乡镇级医务人员初级职称者占52.94%,本科以下学历占79.41%。县和乡镇级医院平均分别有检验人员14、2.33人。县级医院检验科均配有酶标仪、洗板机、恒温孵育箱和可调式移液器;9所乡镇级医院有2所检验科均没有配备四种设备。对WS 299-2008《乙型病毒性肝炎诊断标准》知晓程度,乡镇级医院有36.36%的医务人员知道并清楚其中内容,高于县区级的10.00%(P<0.05)。结论济阳县县乡两级医院人员学历结构不合理,职称结构欠佳,乙肝相关项目检测及乙肝诊断能力有待提高。 Objective To understand the detection status of hepatitis B in Heyang county and township hospitals and the status quo of knowledge of hepatitis B surveillance among medical staff in order to provide basis for further strengthening the construction of Hepatitis B prevention and control system throughout the county. Methods A total of 2 county-level hospitals and 9 township-level hospitals under the jurisdiction of Jiyang County were surveyed, and the descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze them. Results Jiyang County district medical staff junior titles accounted for 52.54%, bachelor degree or above accounted for 91.53%. Township medical staff junior titles accounted for 52.94%, undergraduate degree accounted for 79.41%. An average of 14,2.33 inspectors were employed at county and township level hospitals respectively. County-level hospitals are equipped with microplate reader, washer, incubator and adjustable pipette; nine township hospitals have two laboratories are not equipped with four kinds of equipment. 36.26% of medical staff in township hospitals know and know the content of WS 299-2008, which is 10.00% higher than that of county level (P <0.05). Conclusion The academic structure of county and township hospitals in Jiyang County is unreasonable and the title structure is not good. The detection of hepatitis B-related diseases and the diagnostic ability of hepatitis B should be improved.
早在1821年,英国伟大科学家法拉弟曾有名言:有用的科学研究工作,应该具备3个必需阶段,即“the first to begin it,the second to end it,and thethird to publish it(第一,
审美情趣是语文核心素养的重要内容,解读文本感知真情是培养审美情趣的重要路径,也许学生的习作就是最好的明证。 Aesthetic taste is an important part of Chinese core l
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因为海洋性气候的特点,青岛适合穿衬衣的季节很短。但是它却是上班族最得体的装扮,一件合适的制服衬衣,穿上它就能突出男性职业特点。工作时候与客户一起谈事情,忙碌中 Due