
来源 :医学动物防制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caery
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目的全面了解和分析邯郸市健康人群麻疹抗体水平状况,评价扩大免疫规划项目实施后麻疹免疫策略的效果,为制定免疫规划策略和防治措施提供依据。方法采用酶联免疫法对邯郸市19个县(市、区)和4个对口单位的8个不同年龄组共2 520名调查对象进行麻疹IgG抗体血清学检测(GX抗体血清学检测)。结果全市共采集标本2 840份,检测2 825份,检测率99.47%。其中阳性2 236份,总阳性率79.15%,不同年龄组(χ~2=443.80,P<0.05)、不同县区(χ~2=58.68,P<0.05)麻疹抗体水平间差异均有统计学意义。结论邯郸市健康人群麻疹抗体水平较低,应提高常规免疫接种率,加强查漏补种,适时开展强化免疫,必要时扩大免疫人群,以提高人群麻疹抗体水平、增强人群麻疹免疫力。 Objective To comprehensively understand and analyze the level of measles antibody in healthy population in Handan City and evaluate the effect of expanding immunization strategy after immunization program implementation so as to provide basis for formulating immunization planning strategy and prevention and treatment measures. Methods A total of 2520 subjects from 8 different age groups in 19 counties (cities and districts) of Handan City were enrolled for serological detection of measles IgG antibody (GX antibody serological test) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results A total of 2 840 samples were collected and 2 825 were detected in the city, with a detection rate of 99.47%. There were 2 236 positives and 79.15% positives in different age groups (χ ~ 2 = 443.80, P <0.05). There were significant differences in the levels of measles antibody in different counties (χ ~ 2 = 58.68, significance. Conclusions The level of measles antibody in healthy people in Handan City is relatively low. The routine vaccination rate should be increased, the leak detection and replantation should be strengthened, and the timely immunization should be carried out. If necessary, the immunized population should be expanded to raise the population measles antibody level and enhance the measles immunity.
目的 评价巍山县国家级血吸虫病监测点采取的人畜同步化疗、改厕、健康教育、牲畜提倡圈养、禁止野外放牧、药物灭螺等各项措施在血吸虫病防治中的效果,以便进一步总结血吸虫
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目的 分析河北省职业健康检查机构和职业病诊断机构配置情况,更好地管理和建设河北省职业健康检查机构和职业病诊断机构.方法 采用现况调查的方法对截至2017年11月3日职业健
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目的 对乌鲁木齐市2014-2016年分离的人群肠炎沙门菌株进行耐药性和PFGE分子分型研究.方法 收集分离自乌鲁木齐市腹泻病监测哨点的101株肠炎沙门菌,对其进行7类抗生素的药敏