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李立三(1899—1967年),原名隆郅,1899年3月出生于湖南醴陵县一个私塾教员之家。他从小跟随父亲读古书和古诗词,1915年到长沙上中学,1919年赴法国勤工俭学,1921年回国并加入中国共产党。1922年领导安源煤矿工人大罢工,1926年任中华全国总工会执行委员、组织部长,在武汉领导工人 Li Lisan (1899-1967), formerly known as Longliu, was born in March 1899 in Liling County, Hunan Province, a private school teacher’s home. He studied ancient books and ancient poems with his father from his childhood. He went to Changsha Middle School in 1915, went to work-study in France in 1919, returned to China in 1921, and joined the Communist Party of China. He led the coal mine workers strike in Anyuan in 1922, the executive commissioner and minister of organization of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in 1926, and led the workers in Wuhan
一.概述: 1.名称:硼微晶玻璃片状扩散源简称PWB片状源或叫氧化硼片。 PWB是以硼—微晶—玻璃的汉语拼音第一个字母PWB命名的。 美国于1975年首先使用,称Boron~+片,国内于1
随着人们对应用毫米波兴趣的增长,导致了需要采用新的元件制造技术。本文介绍目前正在研究中的一些加工方法。 The growing interest in millimeter-wave applications has
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
为了保管好粮食,防止虫、霉、鼠的危害,减少损失损耗,现介绍三种简便实用的农户储粮方法。 一、砖砌方柜储粮 按每立方米575公斤稻谷计算,视需储粮食数量,在住房的任何地方