在海湾战争中,激光武器出尽了风 头,在现代战争中显示出强大的威 力。 伊拉克空军总部是一座极其坚固 的建筑物,要炸毁它谈何容易,况且在 它的四周还有许多居民楼房。然而美 军从空中投下激光制导的炸弹,炸弹 直冲大楼顶的正中,然后钻到楼房里 爆炸。结果,大楼被摧毁了,可四周居 民楼房却安然无损。
In the Gulf War, laser weapons came out of the limelight and demonstrated great power in the modern war. Iraqi Air Force headquarters is an extremely strong building, it is easier said to blow up, in addition to its there are many residential buildings around. However, the U.S. military dropped laser-guided bombs from the air, bombing straight into the top of the building and then exploding into the building. As a result, the building was destroyed, but residential buildings around it were safe.