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目的筛选蕺菜属植物优异种质。方法以产自中国不同地理类群的蕺菜属植物为材料,比较其形态特性,并通过Li-6400便携式光合仪测定其光合特性,分析正常及高温(40℃)、低温(5℃)、干旱(土壤饱和持水量70%)逆境条件下的差异。结果 6个类群的形态差异主要表现在植株颜色、主茎高度、地上茎节间长和叶长及叶宽上。正常条件下,6个类群的光合速率(Pn)无显著差异,蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)和水分利用系数(WUE)在个别类群间存在显著差异;经逆境处理后,各类群Pn、Tr、Gs均出现较大幅度的下降,多个类群间的差异达到了极显著水平,但各类群的WUE均有增加且差异极显著。峨眉蕺菜(EM)和湖南怀化蕺菜(HH)居群逆境处理后,叶绿素荧光参数的变化趋势十分相似,PSII作用中心光能传递和转换效率显著降低,光能用于非光化学反应比例显著增加。结论较高纬度的江苏如皋蕺菜(RG)对低温的耐性较强,西南和中南地区居群的蕺菜对高温和低温耐性较强。各类群光合作用抗逆性与其原产地的生态气候条件关系较密切,中国西南和中南等地具有抗逆性较强的蕺菜属资源,是鱼腥草栽培抗性品种选育的良好材料。 Objective To screen the excellent germplasm of Methods The photosynthetic characteristics of Brachycarpa from different geographic groups in China were compared and their photosynthetic characteristics were measured by Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system. The effects of normal and high temperature (40 ℃), low temperature (5 ℃), drought (Saturated soil water content 70%) under adverse conditions. Results The morphological differences of the six groups were mainly reflected in the plant color, the height of the main stem, the length of the above-ground stem and the leaf length and leaf width. Under normal conditions, there was no significant difference in photosynthetic rate (Pn) between the six groups. The transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs) and water use efficiency (WUE) The Pn, Tr and Gs of the taxa decreased significantly, and the differences among the taxa reached a very significant level, but the WUEs of all the taxa increased and were significantly different. The trend of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters was similar in Emei (510) and Hunan Huanghua (HH) populations, and the light energy transfer and conversion efficiencies were significantly reduced in PSII center, and the proportion of light energy used in non-photochemical reaction was significant increase. Conclusion Rugao (Rugao) (Rugao) at higher latitudes is more tolerant to low temperature and the Brasenia schreberi of Southwest and Central South China is more resistant to high temperature and low temperature. The photosynthetic stress resistance of all groups was closely related to the ecoclimatic conditions of their place of origin. In China, Southwest China, Central South China and other places have strong resistance to the resources of the genus Euphorbiaceae, which is a good material for breeding resistant varieties of Houttuynia cordata .
临床资料 本组11例均为不同病因引起的急性完全性房室传导阻滞症,经药物治疗(静脉滴入阿托品、硫酸异丙肾上腺素、氟美松等)效果不好者。其中7例因频发阿-斯氏综合征(急性前