An electrochemical investigation on collectorless flotation of sphalerite in presence of Cu~(2+)

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lg0768
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The collectorless flotation behaviors of sphalerite in the presence of Cu 2+ ions have been established. The effects of pH, potential and Cu 2+ concentration on the flotation have been studied using a micro flotation cell specially designed, where the potential can be controlled by a potentiostat. The flotation results have shown that the Cu activated sphalerite displays a good collectorless floatability in a pH range of 0~13. The higher potentials can improve the flotation recovery. The surface species formed during the Cu ion activation have been examined using a special electrochemical technique—a composite sphalerite electrode. Zinc deficient sulfide (Zn 1- x Cu x S) and Cu poly sulfide (Cu y+z S y ) species have been determined. They are responsible for the collectorless flotation of sphalerite. In additional, they can improve the conductivity of the sphalerite surface. The effects of sphalerite in the presence of Cu 2+ ions have been established. The effects of pH, potential and Cu 2+ concentration on the flotation have been studied using a micro flotation cell specially designed, where the potential can be controlled by The flotation results have shown that the Cu activated sphalerite displays a good collectorless floatability in a pH range of 0 ~ 13. The higher potential can improve the flotation recovery. The surface species formed during the Cu ion activation have been examined using a Zinc deficient sulfide (Zn 1- x Cu x S) and Cu poly sulfide (Cu y + z S y) species have been determined. They are for the collectorless flotation of sphalerite. , they can improve the conductivity of the sphalerite surface.
1.自主学习的定义  1.1国外学者对自主学习的定义  国外使用的与自主学习有关的术语很多,如自我调节学习(self-regulated learning)、主动学习(active learning)、自我教育(self-education)、自我计划的学习(self-planned learning)、自我定向的学习(self-directed)、自我监控的学习(self-monitored l
《基础教育课程改革纲要》 规定改革的具体目标之一为“改变课程实施过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处
摘 要: 中职机电一体化是一门跨学科的综合性边缘学科,有广泛的应用领域,以培养从事机电一体化设备使用和技术管理工作的中初级技术应用性专门人才为目标,其核心能力是培养机电一体化设备的安装、调试、操作、维修和管理,是我国现阶段经济发展所急需的优势学科方向。本文根据中职学校机电一体化专业的现状,对中职机电一体化专业创新人才的培养模式进行初步探索,明确专业目标,改革教学模式,保障教学质量,全面提高学生的创
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