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  Human beings have two main 1)instincts: the instinct of self-protection and the instinct to reproduce,” says Dr Nayana Patel.
  And she should know—she has 2)carved out a career matching 3)infertile couples with poor women willing to “rent their wombs”. Beginning with a couple of 4)surrogacies a year in 2003, Dr Patel’s Akanksha Infertility Clinic in the west Indian state of Gujarat, now delivers around 110 surrogate babies a year.
  Commercial surrogacy is highly 5)controversial and banned in many countries across the world.
  But in India, a socially 6)conservative society, surrogacy has 7)thrived since the Supreme High Court of India legalized the practice in 2002, with a report by the Confederation of Indian Industry estimating the industry will generate $2.3bn (1.5bn euros) annually by 2012.
  人类有两种主要的本能:自我保护和繁殖,” 纳雅娜·帕特尔医生说道。
  Partly due to pressure from 8)campaigners, the Indian government set out a draft bill last year, which aims to limit the age of surrogate mothers to 35, 9)imposes a maximum of five pregnancies—including their own children—and makes medical insurance 10)mandatory.
  Attempting to avoid messy legal battles that have occurred in the past, another proposal makes it 11)compulsory for 12)prospective parents prove that any infant born to a surrogate mother will have automatic citizenship in their home countries. The bill also aims to stop clinics sourcing, supplying and taking care of the surrogate mothers themselves.
  However, for now, it’s business as usual at Akanksha Infertility Clinic.
  It’s a little after 10 on a Wednesday morning as Dr Patel arrives at the clinic. Inside, there is a 13)flurry of activity. Medical staff clad in light and navy blue run about, calling out names and carrying files. The lobby is full of women in brightly colored saris, while others are in Western clothes. They are either desperately seeking a baby of their own or seeking to lift themselves out of poverty and offer their own children a better life.   One of the main attractions of surrogacy in India is the price. Most of Dr Patel’s clients are from the U.S., Canada and Europe. Where it is legal, surrogacy in Western countries can cost 70,000 euros. At Dr Patel’s Akanksha Infertility Clinic, tucked down a narrow lane behind a 14)chaotic market in Anand, it costs around a third of that.

  For the surrogates, who get paid between 4,700 and 5,500 euros by the clinic, the money is worth several years’ income and is a fast track out of poverty.
  When 32-year-old Ranju Rajubhai’s husband sustained severe burns in an accident in 2007 and could no longer work, surrogacy was the answer to the couple’s problems. “I thought I’ll be doing a good deed, my work will also get done and [the couple] will also get a baby,”says Rajubhai who is due to give birth to a surrogate baby in a month. Like all the women signed on by Patel’s Akanksha Fertility Clinic, Rajubhai will get a minimum of around £4,000, 15)equivalent to seven years of her husband’s salary. “I will get my husband’s surgery done[for his burns],” she says.
  “I also want to buy a house. It costs [£8,500 to£11,000] these days. One pregnancy won’t be enough, so I am thinking of coming back.”
  Rajubhai’s is a familiar story in the “surrogate house”where she lives with 39 other pregnant surrogates from similar backgrounds. Owned by Patel, the house is located ten minutes away from the clinic. With two to three ironframed beds in each room, the house has the look and feel of a hospital ward. The surrogates, clad in loose, colorful gowns are sitting, lying, stretching, watching TV or chatting with each other. In one room, hangs a picture of a crawling toddler with the words: “The time to be happy is now.”

  32岁的兰吉·拉吉布海的丈夫在2007年的一次意外中被严重烧伤并失去工作能力,代孕成为了这对夫妇的解困之法。“我认为我所做的会是一件好事,这将能解决我们的问题,并能为(其他夫妇)带来孩子,” 拉吉布海如是说,她将在一个月后生下一个代孕宝宝。正如其他和帕特尔医生的阿坎可沙不孕不育诊所签约的妇女一样,拉吉布海最少将获得约4000英镑,这相当于她丈夫七年的工钱。她说:“我会让丈夫完成(治疗烧伤的)手术。”   “我还想买一所房子。目前来说大概需要(8500到11000英镑)。一次代孕还不够,所以我考虑再来。”
  The time spent at the surrogate house creates a sense of sisterhood. They enjoy the rest and care they might not have had during their own pregnancies but are confined to the house for the entire duration of pregnancy. Their families are allowed to visit on Sundays but the surrogates are not allowed to leave the house premises except for regular medical check-ups or a family emergency.
  The worlds inhabited by surrogates and those seeking surrogacy are vastly different but the compulsions that lead them to the clinic are not.
  Slender-framed with green eyes and short-cropped blond hair, 38-year-old Robyn Wright runs a small beauty salon in Wilson, Wyoming. She has a 14-year-old daughter from her first marriage but a 16)hemorrhage after the birth led to a 17)hysterectomy. When she met Jason, a guide at Yellowstone National Park, the couple wanted their own biological child. The Wrights candidly admit they “weren’t born rich” and don’t “live on credit”. Realizing surrogacy in the U.S. was financially impossible; the Wrights staked all their savings and traveled half way across the globe to fulfill their dream.

  “There are so many cases where you are the genetic parent and [the surrogate mother] is 18)blackmailing you. She will not give you the baby … If you don’t pay; you’re not allowed to see the baby. Couples from abroad write to us saying that the legal liabilities are so much in the U.S., that after paying so much money also, I don’t know if I’m going to hold my baby or not and that is what India has taken care of.”
  She says she’s in favor of regulation in India but that ultimately it depends on the 19)ethics of the people involved, not any law.
  “See sex determination. It’s 20)rampant in India but it’s illegal. So whatever you do, there’s going to be unethical behavior. It’s the ethics of the couple, surrogate and doctor, which counts … The laws, even if they are there or not there, it hardly matters. So, I’m in favor yes, but ultimately it’s the people involved which makes it unethical. No amount of laws or 21)supervision can make a procedure ethical.”   Back at Patel’s clinic, three women who have each traveled from North America hoping to find a surrogate mother to bear them a baby are gushing over a newborn European baby recently born to one of the surrogates at the clinic—proof that their dreams could also come true. “There’s no perfect system, but given what we have and under the circumstances, Dr Patel’s clinic definitely helps create miracles,”says Fatima, a Canadian.

友谊的第二种功用就在于它能调理并提高理解力,有如第一种功用在于有助于提升感情一样。因为,在情感上,友谊能使人整天心情舒畅,即使是在烈风暴雨的恶境:而在理解力上,又能赋予人智慧之光,走出黑暗与困惑。这不仅指一个人从朋友处得来的忠谏: 即在得到忠谏之前,可以肯定的是,任何思虑过多的人,在与他人交流和讨论中则他的心智与理解力将变得清呵护有致;他能够更容易地表达其思想;思路将更有条理,他可以看出把这些思
The minutes crept by like hours,” she recalls, and then, all at once, the car door opened. “I just wanted to get to Dad as fast as I could,” Lorrie says. She tore down the runway toward him with open
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