5月2日,是“五一”长假的第二天。这一天,久旱的黄河口地区突然天气陡变,下起了淅淅沥沥的小雨,就在这阴雨连绵的天气里,意想不到的是,一场没有硝烟的战斗悄悄打响了……10:00,东营军分区值班室的电话骤然响起 “叮铃铃……”,山东省东营军分区值班室响起了一阵急促的电话铃声,正在值班的政治部丁干事立即拿起电话:我是河口区人武部尤部长,昨天一位佩戴大校军衔的军人,来到河口区招商局,说是受部队首长委托,准备在河口区投资四个亿,成立生产养殖基地。此人名叫冉维起,自称是北京军区某部驻青岛基地的副主任,他随身携带有军官证、某部后勤部成立“东营市生产养殖基地”公函、干部任命
May 2, is the second day of May Day holiday. On this day, suddenly the weather in the drought-affected Yellow River estuary suddenly changed suddenly and the pathetic rain began. In this rainy and rainy weather, unexpectedly, a battle of no smoke quietly started ... 10: 00, Dongying Military Division duty room phone suddenly rang “Jingle bell ... ...” Dongying Military Division duty room in Shandong Province burst into a burst of rapid telephone ringing, is on duty, the DPA immediately pick up the phone: I am the mouth of the District Department Minister Juye, a soldier who had worn the rank of a colonel yesterday, came to the Investment Promotion Bureau of Hekou District and said that it was entrusted by the head of the armed forces to invest four billion in the estuary area to set up a production and breeding base. This person named Ran Weiqi, claiming to be Beijing Military Region, a unit in Qingdao base of deputy director, he carries a military officer card, a logistics department set up a “production and breeding base in Dongying City,” the official letter of appointment of cadres