
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roger_wen
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培养我国学生对待劳动和对待公共财物的共产主义态度,是苏联学校在共产主义建设现阶段的主要任务. 苏联共产党新党章责成所有共产党员要在劳动中起模范作用,作出对待劳动和公共财物的共产主义态度的榜样.为了完成这个要求,共产党员要走在为争取高度的劳动生产率、为争取经济建设和文化建设中新成就而斗争的战士们的最前列。他们在创造性的和平劳动中,在争取实现共产主义建设的伟大的斯大林的纲领中,用自己的榜样来鼓舞人民群众。 The cultivation of our communist attitude towards labor and public property by our students is the main task of the Soviet schools at the present stage of communist construction. The new Communist Party of the Soviet Union has all the Communist Party members responsible for assuming the exemplary role of labor and for treating labor and public property In order to fulfill this requirement, Communists must take the lead in fighting for a high degree of labor productivity and fighting for new achievements in economic construction and cultural construction. In their creative and peaceful labor, they used their example to inspire the masses of the people in the great program of Stalin to fight communism.
柑桔今年丰产丰收,如何实现增产增值,唯一出路是提高果品市场竞争能力。提高采收质量是柑桔走向市场的第一步,是整个销售工作的基础。我们的作法是:把好二关,进行三改。 1.
本文介绍用石灰桩在靠近墙体外侧加固软土地基、防止房屋不均匀沉降和侧向滑移的工程实例。我段在南京某四层住宅中采用了这种方法,收到了较好的技术经济效益。 In this pa