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  Grandma lived on Sugar Creek Mountain all alone. It was a beautiful mountain, with tall cedar[雪松] trees all over the mountain top. In the middle of the mountain was a
  crystal clear lake. The water in the lake was the prettiest blue you’ve ever seen.
  I still remember the day that Grandpa drowned[溺水] in the lake. My parents had tried to talk Grandma into moving into town, but she wouldn’t hear of[出于善意拒绝某事] it – she was set in her ways[旧习难改]. I knew my parents worried about her being alone, because Grandma was the only person who lived there.
  Today I was going to visit Grandma, and the excitement
  grew inside me at the thought of spending time on the mountain once more. After all, it had been ten years since I had seen Grandma. As I approached the top of the
  mountain, I could see Grandma staring out the window of her little log cabin home.
  Grandma greeted me at the door with a big hug.
  “We’ll have a party on Christmas Eve. This Christmas is going to be so wonderful! I have a special surprise for you dear,” said Grandma. Little did Grandma know that I had a very special surprise for her as well.
  When we baked cookies and candies in the kitchen, Grandma told me how she used to bake apple pies for Grandpa. “He loved apple pies,” said Grandma. Those were his favorite. She said that after the pies would cool off, Grandpa would send her into the living room, under the pretense[假装] that he would clean up the kitchen. Grandma knew what he was really up to, but she never let on[泄露秘密] that she knew. Grandma would go into the living room and sit in her rocking chair. She would sing some of the songs that she knew Grandpa loved. About an hour later, Grandma would wander back into the kitchen. “Why Henry!” she said, as she tried to look surprised, “This kitchen isn’t clean and what happened to that pie?” Grandma could see that he had eaten two slices of the apple pie. Keeping as straight a face注1
  as he could, Grandpa would go into a wild story. He’d say, “Gee Emmy, you know that when our horses smell those apple pies, they prance[腾跃] right up to the window
  and snatch[夺取] them!” “How is it that they only got two pieces?” asked Grandma. “Well, if I hadn’t snatched it away they would have eaten the whole pie,” chuckled[吃吃地笑] Grandpa! Grandma said it was the same routine every time she baked an apple pie.
  Grandma’s eyes would sparkle and twinkle whenever she relived her memories of Grandpa. Listening to her talk about him was a real
  experience. Whenever she would talk about Grandpa, you could feel the love for him in every word.
  Sitting alone in the quiet house, I pondered my
  childhood memories of my grandparents. They had
  always been such a fun loving and happy couple.
  Shortly after they were married, Grandpa built the log cabin home for his “Little Ole注2 Emmy,” as he called her. Just before Christmas, almost twelve years ago,
  Grandpa was outside gathering firewood, when
  Grandma heard a horrible scream and a terrible noise. She ran outside to find that an area of the ice on the lake had fallen through. She yelled for Grandpa over and over but no reply ever came. They searched the lake for over a week, but no trace of Grandpa could be found. Finally, they called off[取消] the search. One of the men who had helped in the search said they’d probably never find Grandpa now.
  On Christmas Eve the village people started arriving just after dark. Grandma always waited until evening to have her Christmas party, because she loved the lights. All the guests gathered around in the front yard and began to sing Christmas carols[颂歌]. Oh, how Grandma loved that!
  Then Grandma said, “Laura, I have a surprise for you.” As she handed me the present, I could see the love and pride in her eyes. “I love it, Grandma,” I said, as I bent down to kiss her cheek, “I will cherish it
  forever.” Grandma had made a quilt[被子] out of some of my dresses that I had worn as a little girl.
   “Grandma, if you could have just one special gift for Christmas, what would it be?” I asked her. Without even stopping to think, she replied, “I would like to see your grandfather just one more time, so I could feed him the apple pie that the horses quit snatching when he left us.”
  Just then, Grandma’s face lit up like the lights on the Christmas tree! Everyone turned to see what Grandma was looking at. Walking slowly toward her, with an apple pie in his hand, was Grandpa! There were two slices missing from the pie that he was holding. The village people were speechless, as they thought they were
  seeing a ghost. Grandpa chuckled, as he yelled out, “Emmy, those darn[该死的] horses snatched the pie and got away with two pieces. They would have eaten it all if I hadn’t snatched it back away from
  Tears of joy were flowing down Grandma’s cheeks as she threw her arms around Grandpa. “Henry! We thought you had drowned!” Grandma wept.
  Grandpa told everyone to gather around the fireplace and he would tell them what had
  happened to him. “For almost twelve years I couldn’t remember anything,” said Grandpa, “Not even my name. Then about two months ago, Laura came to work at the county where I have been living.
  “I didn’t recognize Laura at first. She was so shocked to see me, that it took her a while to
  believe it was really me. She started to tell me some of the stories that Emmy used to tell me. She would sit there with me and sing me the songs that Emmy used to sing. At first it didn’t make any difference to me, but slowly my memory started to return.
  “I remember now, going out to gather firewood. There was a nice piece of wood on the lake. I thought the lake was frozen over so I stepped out on the lake to get the piece of wood. I remember hearing the lake crackle and that’s the last I remember about the accident.”
   “Laura, how can I ever thank you for bringing
  Grandpa home to me?” asked Grandma. I replied, “Seeing the happiness and the love you have for each other is all the thanks I need.”
  As I retired to bed that night, I couldn’t help but think about the surprise that I had given to Grandma for Christmas. I knew in my heart that it was the best surprise present that Grandma would ever get. What a warm and wonderful feeling came over me as I fell asleep, thinking of my grandparents.
  注1:正常语序为“straight face”,指不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸。
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