
来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsswei
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我们在1970—1972年,对四个春小麦品种和一个冬小麦品种进行了 CCC 处理的小区试验及大田试验。处理方法用叶面喷洒或浸种法。结果证明 CCC 对茎秆长度的伸长有抑制作用,但使每株穗数、每穗粒数、每穗粒重及千粒重都增加了,并使籽粒的最后产量提高6—31%。施用 CCC 也引起植株总干重的增大,同时经济产量系数也提高了,说明有更多的物质进入籽粒。在灌浆期中籽粒干重的增长率与茎叶干重的增减量之间有密切联系。在灌浆初期,当籽粒干重增长较慢时,茎叶干重还在增加。但在花后18—30天期间,当籽粒干重的增长率达到高峰期时,茎叶干重的损失量也到达最大值。CCC 处理的籽粒干重增长率在灌浆的前一阶段比对照低,进入高峰期时,处理的籽粒增长率即迅速上升并超过对照,而且以后仍保持较高水平,直至成熟。处理植株的叶片干重损失总量也远比对照为多。这些结果证明了 CCC 对于灌浆后期物质向籽粒中集中与累积的促进作用。 In 1970-1972, we conducted CCC-treated plots and field trials on four spring wheat varieties and one winter wheat variety. Treatment methods foliar spray or soaking method. The results showed that CCC inhibited the elongation of stem length, but increased the number of panicles, grains per panicle, grain weight per panicle and 1000-grain weight per panicle, and increased the final grain yield by 6-31%. Application of CCC also caused an increase in the total dry weight of the plant, while the economic yield coefficient also increased, indicating that more material entered the grain. There was a close relationship between the increase rate of dry weight of grain and the increase or decrease of dry weight of stems and leaves in grain filling stage. In the early filling stage, dry weight of stems and stems was still increasing when the dry weight of kernels increased slowly. However, during the period of 18-30 days after anthesis, when the dry weight of grain reached the peak, the dry weight loss of stem and leaf also reached the maximum. The growth rate of dry matter weight of CCC treated grain was lower than the control in the previous stage of grain filling. At the peak, the grain growth rate of CCC increased rapidly and surpassed that of the control, and remained high until maturity. The total dry weight loss of the leaves of the treated plants was also much higher than that of the control. These results demonstrate the contribution of CCC to the concentration and accumulation of the grain-filling material in late grain filling stage.
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