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朱德是中华民族的伟人。他以传奇的人生经历,强大的人格魅力与精神感召力,树立起历史上一座永久丰碑。电视连续剧《开国元勋朱德》通过对朱德多彩人生经历与丰富精神世界的展示,留存历史正气,弘扬中国精神,是一部铸造民族灵魂、增添人们精神力量的佳作。精神强,则民族强,精神弱,则国家弱。这部电视剧着重刻画出朱德人生与精神追求的崇高博大,反映了他对中国道路寻找的坚定、对中国精神践行的彻底。朱德从寻找民主主义救中国的道路,到寻求以共产主义救中国,再到探索中国式的社会主义道路,其人生与近现代以来 Zhu De is a great man of the Chinese nation. His legendary life experiences, strong personality charisma and spiritual appeal, establish a permanent monument in history. Through the colorful life experience and rich spiritual world display of Zhu De, the TV series “Founding Founder Zhu De” is a masterpiece that casts the soul of the nation and enhances the spiritual power of the people by preserving the righteous cause of history and promoting the Chinese spirit. Strong spirit, the national strong, weak spirit, the country is weak. This drama focuses on depicting the noble and magnificent spirit of Chu Teh’s pursuit of life and spirit, reflecting his firmness in seeking the path of China and his thoroughness in the practice of Chinese spirit. Zhu De has sought from the road of democratization to China and from the search for communism to save China and then to explore the Chinese-style socialist road. Since his life and in modern times
报导了 5 氨基 6 (3 丁烯基 )尿嘧啶、5 氨基 6 (3 羟基 4 溴丁基 )尿嘧啶的合成方法 .以γ 取代的β 酮酯和O 甲基异尿硫酸盐为起始物 ,经 6 取代尿嘧啶 (3)、6 取
Asthma is characterized by paroxysmaldyspnea,rales in the throat,difficulty in breathing,and inability to lie horizontally.It is commonly seenin children with
Having the advantage of simplicity,robustness and low computational costs,the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is a powerful evolutionary computation
小儿哮喘持续状态是哮喘的严重发作;当β_2受体兴奋剂疗效不好,特别是合并心衰、呼衰忌同时,应用氨茶碱临床治疗则有其独到之处,可取得满意效果。观报告如下:1 资料与方法1.1