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柳传志、张瑞敏、王石等这些企业的老总除了考虑战略之外,他们考虑最多的恐怕就是企业的文化了。近年来,企业内刊作为企业文化的一面旗帜,发展迅速,它在企业的战略决策、经营管理、市场营销、人力资源、品牌构造等方面发挥着特殊的作用。 随着市场经济的发展,消费者愈来愈重视企业形象、企业品牌的今天,企业对内刊发展的重视,映射出的是企业对品牌文化建设的高度关注,企业内刊的价值得到了比较广泛的认同: 价值一:企业内刊不仅是展示企业形象的“名片”,更是反映企业文化以及创造品牌资产的有效手段之一。 价值二:企业内刊作为整合企业内、外部资源,增强企业凝聚力与向心力的传播基地,可以帮助企业建立一个良好的生态环境,建立良好的公共关系; 价值三:一份好的内刊,成为企业关注经济社会发展、了解市场和经济政策的“窗口”,为企业和企业家做出正确决策,及时提供信息、情报。 内刊的发展,从信息沟通等传统功能,转向客户服务、提升品牌价值等多种功能,这不仅仅是功能的转变,也是企业发展视角拓宽的表现。 内刊作为企业文化竞争的有效武器,因其立足于企业的办报理念使其不可避免存在着一定的局限性,企业在运作内刊时也面临着种种困惑……北京广播学院广告学院广告主研究课题组为读者朋友们提供的专业研究? Liu Chuanzhi, Zhang Ruimin, Wang Shi and other business executives in addition to considering the strategy, they probably consider the most is the corporate culture. In recent years, as an enterprise culture banner, the rapid development of the enterprise internal magazine plays a special role in the strategic decision-making, management, marketing, human resources, brand structure and other aspects of the enterprise. With the development of market economy, consumers pay more and more attention to corporate image. Nowadays, enterprises pay more attention to the development of internal publication. The mapping reflects the high concern of enterprises on the construction of brand culture. The value of corporate publications is compared A wide range of identity: value one: corporate publications is not only a “business card” to display corporate image, but also reflect the corporate culture and brand building one of the effective means. Value 2: Corporate Internal Use As a base for integrating internal and external resources of enterprises and enhancing their cohesion and solidarity, they can help establish a good ecological environment and establish good public relations. Value 3: A good internal publication becomes Enterprises concerned about economic and social development, understand the market and economic policies of the “window” for enterprises and entrepreneurs to make the right decisions, timely provision of information and intelligence. The development of internal publications, from traditional functions such as information communication, to customer service, and enhancement of brand value and other functions, is not only a function change but also a broadening of the enterprise development perspective. Internal publications as an effective weapon for corporate culture competition, because of its corporate newspaper business concept inevitably there are some limitations, companies operating in the publication are also faced with all sorts of confusion ... Advertising Institute of Beijing Broadcasting Institute advertisers Research group for the reader friends to provide professional research?
主要从定性鉴别、含量测定、检查等方面对中药制剂分析的现状与面临的困难进行综述。 The status quo and difficulties faced in the analysis of traditional Chinese med
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一、医疗纠纷不能完全避免 医疗纠纷作为一种社会现象,由于各种原因——至少不是医疗单位单方面的原因,不能完全避免。而且,随着社会因素的影响还会出现波浪式变化,甚至出现
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