
来源 :甘肃农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maming5201ww
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中国农林科学院曾于去年八月底九月初,在江苏省新沂县召开了全国绿肥科研协作会。会议总结、交流了各地绿肥科研和生产的成果及经验,并在此基础上讨论、制订了今后八年、二十三年的科研规划、设想,落实了近三年的科研协作计划。会议认为,当前,绿肥科研应着重研究解决:不同耕作轮作条件下绿肥的合理安排,特别要研究多熟制条件下绿肥的种植、利用方式、共生关系和高产栽培技术;研究绿肥的经济利用及其效益;摸清不同绿肥 Chinese Academy of Agriculture and Forestry had at the end of August last year in early September, held in Xinyi County, Jiangsu Province, the National Symposium on green manure. The meeting summed up and exchanged the achievements and experiences of research and production of green manure all over the country. On the basis of this, they discussed and formulated scientific research plans and plans for the next eight years and twenty-three years and implemented scientific research cooperation plans for the past three years. The meeting held that, at present, green manure research should focus on research to solve: different tillage rotation of green manure under reasonable arrangements, in particular, to study the multi-cooked green manure under cultivation, utilization, symbiotic relationship and high-yielding cultivation techniques; green manure utilization and Its benefits; find out different green manures
近年来,中共衡阳市委、市政府把发展城区经济作为提升城市综合实力的载体来抓,提出了在“一点一线” 地区崛起的目标。然而当前我市城区经济薄弱、城乡发展不协调与区域发展
大连重型机械厂是家有六 十多年历史的老厂。由于设备 陈旧,劳动保护设施不全,1978 年以前,铸钢、铸铁车间的几 个主要扬尘点的粉尘浓度高达 200毫克/米3。粉尘浓度大,不少工
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Low permeability tight gas reservoirs and condensate gas reservoirs account for a rather high proportion of domestic gas reserves,but many of them have low prod