
来源 :长春理工大学学报(高教版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoxuefubai
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中西文化差异中最主要的是词汇的文化内涵不同。本文探讨了英语词汇的文化内涵,从跨文化交际的角度,强调了解英语词汇文化内涵的重要性,尔后从圣经、希腊神话、西方经典文学着手多方面对文化内涵进行了论述。最后指出应如何真正将跨文化教堂引入旅游学院的外语教学中。 The main difference between Chinese and Western cultures is the different cultural connotations of vocabulary. This essay explores the cultural connotation of English vocabulary. From the perspective of intercultural communication, it emphasizes the importance of understanding the connotation of English vocabulary culture. Then it discusses the cultural connotation in many aspects from the Bible, Greek mythology and western classical literature. Finally, it is pointed out how to truly introduce intercultural churches into the foreign language teaching of Tourism College.
The present study was conducted in subtropical humid forests of Meghalaya to study the distributional pattern of species, floristic composition, community struc
High transparency in visible region was required for red-light-emitting Y2O3:Eu3+ thin film phosphors. Such films were obtained via chemical bath deposition on
恶性黑色素瘤 (malignant melanoma,MM)占全身恶性肿瘤的 15% ,2 0 %的 MM来源于头颈部。 MM很少侵犯腮腺 ,通常腮腺的 MM预示着要寻找位于皮肤的原发肿瘤 ,有时原发肿瘤不能