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在拳击比赛中合理安排每一回合的技战术在比赛中极其重要,它贯穿于拳击比赛的全过程,是双方运动员的斗志和计谋的体现,决定着比赛最终胜负结果。本文通过录像分析法、文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,以2011年世界拳击锦标赛49kg决赛中邹市明与对手申钟为研究对象,通过双方运动员每回合的拳法、技术运用次数进行统计分析其技战术的变化。研究表明,邹市明的技战术运用是当今拳台少有的一种打法称其为海盗打法。在海盗打法中,最为重要的就是在游击战中结合攻防转换,“海盗式”打法的技术关键是在遵循拳击基本规律的基础上,依据拳击运动本质特性在各项技术环节上创新了技战术结构。 The tactics and tactics of arranging every round reasonably in the boxing match are extremely important in the competition. It runs through the whole process of the boxing match and reflects the morale and tactics of the athletes of both sides and determines the final outcome of the competition. In this paper, by means of video analysis, literature review and logical analysis, the author takes Zou Shiming and opponent Shen Zhong as the research objects in the 49kg final of the 2011 World Boxing Championships. Through statistics on the number of rounds of boxing and technique used by both athletes Analysis of its technical and tactical changes. Research shows that Zou Shiming’s use of technology and tactics is one of the rare fights in Taiwan today, calling it a pirate play. In the pirate play, the most important thing is to combine the offensive and defensive transition in the guerrilla warfare. The key to the technology of “pirate” play is to follow the basic rules of boxing and make innovations in various technical fields based on the nature of boxing. Technical and tactical structure.
北京朝阳区CBD有家地道的洋酒屋——凤栖梧(FLAME TREE)。店老板肖鸡,故店名中有个“凤”字。老板平日里很喜欢品咂几杯洋酒,享受那入眼入口入鼻入心的滋味。一个偶然的机会结识了一位富隆酒商的朋友,相谈甚欢。一来二去做出了开间小酒屋的决定。  在凤栖梧不盈50平米的小酒屋中,弥漫着啤酒的薄醉、红葡萄酒的迷醉、白兰地的沉醉、甜点酒的陶醉。老板在这微醺的气氛中,徐徐谈起了他的生意经。    优美起
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