
来源 :走向世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jitic
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  大幕徐徐打开,就像打开了一扇虚拟世界里的艺术大门。里面的光与影、点与线、声与色、静与动,亦真亦幻,如诗如画。它穿越了历史时空,给人们带来无限的遐想。空旷的舞台上,时而缤纷多彩,时而光线灰暗,不同脸谱、不同服饰的老生,青衣、花旦、小生们轮番出场。他们在浓墨淡彩的声与形、情与景的故事里,忘情地表现“唱、念、做、打” 的功底,诉说人生的悲欢离合、喜忧哀乐。……
  From folks to palace, from the ancient to the present, having gone through thick and thin for more than 200 years, Beijing opera, which settles in the national blood, has experienced the change of times and furnace of art. At the 15th China Beijing Opera Art Festival in Jinan city of Shandong province, with the ancient cultural elements and breath of times, this kind of Beijing opera art which is called “National Opera”, put on many classics which could be called the perfect combination of traditional Beijing opera and modern art and explain to the world the previous and present life of a historical and modern story.
  When the stage curtain is drawing open, it seems that a gate of art in a fictitious world is opened. Inside the light and shadow, spot and line, sound and color, silence and motion, being like poetries and paintings, are true and dreamy. They travel through the historical time and space and bring people boundless thoughts. On the spacious stage which is sometimes vivid and colorful and sometimes dark and gloomy, the Old Actor, Black Cloth, Female Lead and Young Actor with different types of facial make-up and in different costumes come on the scene one after another. In the tones and looks with thick Chinese ink and light color and the stories of emotions and sceneries, they perform the abilities of “singing, speaking, performing and fighting” to their hearts’ content, telling the vicissitudes, laughter and tears of life….
  The world behind the curtain, is a realistic one in spite of the dark light. After make-up, the common faces all become placid and detached. It is because the facial makeup is false yet the character is true, and the drama is false yet the emotion is true.
  Who wears the facial make-up is performing a true drama on the stage. Who doesn’t wear facial make-up is performing a false drama in the real life. Walking down the stage, the players who have removed their facial make-up return to the reality of life. The audience who walk out of the theater and put on their masks make the vision of stage reoccur. However, is the theater or the life the stage? Is the drama or the life a dream? Who could explain clearly this true and dreamy life in and out of the drama and the life!
  In the dream people temporarily forget their identities and on the stage the actors take the drama as reality. The real performers and real audience are jointly weaving out real dramas and dreams one after another on this real stage and everyone gets great satisfaction. Just like what the old say: drama is life and life is drama.
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