Compression of the bilateral corticospinal tracts by bilateral pontine hemorrhage A diffusion tensor

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangzhubin
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Bilateral spontaneous pontine hemorrhage is rare.In addition,bilateral corticospinal tract(CST) involvement in the pons may accompany serious motor sequelae.A 45-year-old right-handed woman was admitted for bilateral pontine hemorrhage.The patient presented with moderate quadriparesis at stroke onset and quickly recovered to the point of being able to extend the muscles of all four extremities against resistance,at 2 weeks from onset.At 4 weeks after stroke onset,she was able to perform all fine motor activities,as well as to walk with a normal gait.Diffusion tensor tractography results showed that the CSTs of both hemispheres originated from the primary sensorimotor cortex and descended through the corona radiata,the posterior limb of the internal capsule,midbrain,anterior pons,and the anterior medulla,along the known pathway of the CST.However,at midbrain and pons,the CSTs were compressed posterolaterally.The contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex,centered on the precentral knob,was activated during movement of either hand of the patient,as shown by functional MRI,which indicates the preservation of lateral CST.Findings from this study suggest that diffusion tensor tractography may be helpful in the elucidation of the CST status in patients with pontine hemorrhage. Bilateral spontaneous pontine hemorrhage is rare. In addition, bilateral corticospinal tract (CST) involvement in the pons may accompany serious motor sequelae. A 45-year-old right-handed woman was admitted for bilateral pontine hemorrhage. The patient presented with moderate quadriparesis at stroke onset and quickly recovered to the point of being able to extend the muscles of all four extremities against resistance, at 2 weeks from onset. At 4 weeks after stroke onset, she was able to perform all fine motor activities, as well as to walk with a normal gait. Diffusion tensor tractography results showed the CSTs of both hemispheres originated from the primary sensorimotor cortex and descended through the corona radiata, the posterior limb of the internal capsule, midbrain, anterior pons, and the anterior medulla, along the known pathway of the CST. Despite, at midbrain and pons, the CSTs were compressed posterolaterally. The contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex, centered on the precentral knob, w as activated during movement of either hand of the patient, as shown by functional MRI, which indicates the preservation of lateral CST. Findings from this study suggest that diffusion tensor tractography may be helpful in the elucidation of the CST status in patients with pontine hemorrhage.
现实生活中,在受到委屈、遇到冷遇或心情不好时,成人往往会利用适当的机会、方式进行宣泄。孩子在幼儿园或家庭生活中,也会碰到不舒心的事儿,从而就出现了大哭大闹、高声 I
爷爷生于上世纪20年代,一生都生活在小县城。他去世时,我还未出生,因而我与他竟是一面也未见着。  爷爷育有八子,六儿二女,虽说我没见过爷爷,但叔叔伯伯姑姑和父亲的一言一行,却清晰地勾勒出了爷爷的样子。  六叔常说,吃亏是福。六叔自小跟随爷爷卖菜。遇到爱讨便宜的客人,待上完秤定了价,必定要多抓一把青菜、多拿两个土豆。爷爷对此总是笑脸相迎,有时还会多赠几棵青葱、几块姜。年幼的六叔问爷爷,为何总让这样的
The study is the first long-term cohort study examining stroke and its subtypes among a population of Chinese elderly male retired military veterans.We reported