事业发展 以人为本 访北京市人民检察院第二分院检察长伦朝平

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伦朝平,男,1952年8月出生,一级高级检察官。1980年参加检察工作,历任北京市人民检察院分院检察员、自侦处副处长、市检察院人事处处长、政治部副主任。1992年任北京市人民检察院分院副检察长,1998年任北京市海淀区人民检察院党组书记、检察长。2004年至今,任北京市人民检察院第二分院党组书记、检察长。采访中我们了解到:全国第一届十佳公诉人第一名黄晓文、第二届十佳公诉人庄伟、第三届十佳公诉人第一名徐航、全国十大杰出检察官吴春妹、全国十佳反贪局长刘壮等一批在检察系统闻名遐迩的人物,都是从他的麾下走到了全国检察官的最前列。这是事业发展,以人为本。 Lun Zhaoping, male, born in August 1952, a senior prosecutor. He joined the procuratorial work in 1980 and served successively as the procurator of the branch of Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate, the deputy director of the Self-detective Department, the director of personnel department of the Municipal Procuratorate, and the deputy director of the Political Department. In 1992, he served as Deputy Prosecutor General of Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate, and Party Secretary and Prosecutor General of Haidian District People’s Procuratorate in 1998. From 2004 till now, he served as party secretary and procurator of the second branch of Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate. During the interview, we learned that Huang Xiaowen, the top ten prosecutor of the first nation, Zhuang Wei, the second top ten prosecutors, Xu Hang, the top ten prosecutor of the third session, Wu Chunmei, the top ten prosecutors in China, A group of anti-corruption chief Liu Zhuang and other well-known figures in the procuratorial system are all from his command came to the forefront of the national prosecutors. This is a career development, people-oriented.
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