按市场经济规律办事 促私营个体经济发展

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改革开放以来,私营个体经济取得了长足发展,已成为推动社会生产力发展的生力军,在扩大经济总量、增加有效供给、增强经济活力、拓展就业空间、增加群众收入等方面,发挥着日益重要的作用。江总书记在党的十五大报告中指出:“非公有制经济是我国社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。对个体、私营等非公有制经济要继续鼓励、引导,使之健康发展,这对满足人们多样化的需要,增加就业,促进国民经济发展有着重要作用。”党的十五大以来,通州市把发展私营个体经济作为重要的经济增长极,切实加强组织领导,强化政策引导,突出工作重点,营造宽松环境,在认识上放胆、放心,工作上放手、放 Since the reform and opening up, the privately-run individual economy has made great strides and has become a new force in promoting the development of social productive forces. It has played an increasingly important role in expanding the total economy, increasing effective supply, boosting economic vitality, expanding employment space and increasing people’s incomes effect. General Secretary Jiang pointed out in the report to the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party: “The non-public ownership economy is an important part of China’s socialist market economy and should continue to encourage and guide the non-public sectors such as the private sector and the private sector in their healthy development, To meet the diverse needs of the people, increase employment and promote the development of the national economy plays an important role. ”Since the 15th CPC National Congress, Tongzhou Municipality has taken the development of private individual economy as an important economic growth pole, earnestly strengthened organizational leadership and strengthened policy guidance, Highlight the key points of work, create a relaxed environment, be bold, relieved, and let go
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