Activity Gel Analysis of Endopeptidases in Rose Petals

来源 :Horticultural Plant Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cctv2009_33894352
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Poor resolution for the identification of endopeptidase(EP) activity in activity gel assays is a critical issue in the analysis of the postharvest physiology of rose petals. In this paper, major factors influencing EP activity gel assays were evaluated. The results showed that a phosphate(NaH_2PO_4/Na_2HPO_4) buffer favors the detection of clear EP bands, as compared to Tris–HCl buffer. Removal of salts and pigments with Sephadex G-25 columns was vital to the measurement of EP activity in rose petal extracts. For optimal resolution of bands, we show that before electrophoresis,samples should be treated for 10 min at 40 °C. Additionally, electrophoresis should be done in 12% SDS–PAGE co-polymerized with 0.15%(w/v) gelatin. After electrophoresis, the optimal incubation temperature and pH are 42 °C and 7.0, respectively. Using our optimized assay, Rh-EP1,Rh-EP2, Rh-EP3, three proteases with molecular masses of 200, 123.5, and 97.4 kD, respectively, were detected in rose petals. Experiments using EP class-specific inhibitors revealed that Rh-EP2 and Rh-EP3 were both serine proteases, while Rh-EP1 was a metalloprotease. In this study, we also measured changes in EP activity during flower opening, senescence, and water deficit stress(WDS) using our optimized activity gel assay,and found that Rh-EP3 may be more relevant to senescence in roses compared with Rh-EP1 or Rh-EP2. Changes occurring to EPs after WDS were similar to those during the period from flower opening to senescence, and Rh-EP3 activities were greatly increased by WDS treatment. Collectively, our results suggest that significant increases in Rh-EPs activities, especially increases in Rh-EP3 activity, may contribute to the flower senescence induced under WDS treatment. Poor resolution for the identification of endopeptidase (EP) activity in activity gel assays is a critical issue in the analysis of the postharvest physiology of rose petals. In this paper, major factors influencing EP activity gel assays were evaluated. The results showed that a phosphate (NaH 2 PO 4 / Na 2 HPO 4) buffer favors the detection of clear EP bands, as compared to Tris-HCl buffer. Removal of salts and pigments with Sephadex G-25 columns was vital to the measurement of EP activity in rose petal extracts. For optimal resolution of bands, we show that before electrophoresis, samples should be treated for 10 min at 40 ° C. Additionally, electrophoresis should be done in 12% SDS-PAGE co-polymerized with 0.15% (w / v) gelatin. incubation temperature and pH are 42 ° C and 7.0, respectively. Using our optimized assay, Rh-EP1, Rh-EP2, Rh-EP3, three proteases with molecular masses of 200, 123.5, and 97.4 kD, respectively, were detected in rose petals. Expe riments using EP class-specific inhibitors revealed that Rh-EP2 and Rh-EP3 were both metalloprotease, while this study, we also measured changes in EP activity during flower opening, senescence, and water deficit stress (WDS) using our optimized activity gel assay, and found that Rh-EP3 may be more relevant to senescence in roses compared with Rh-EP1 or Rh-EP2. Changes occurring to EPs after WDS were similar to those during the period from flower opening to senescence, and Rh-EP3 activities were greatly increased by WDS treatment. Collectively, our results suggest that significant increases in Rh-EPs activities, particularly increases in Rh-EP3 activity, may contribute to the flower senescence induced under WDS treatment.
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