Study of Oil/Water Interfacial Tension of Vacuum Residual Fractions from Iranian Light Crude Oil

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzpjhuang
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The vacuum residual from Iranian Light crude oil are separated into a series of 16 narrow fractionsaccording to the molecular weight by the supercritical fluid extraction and fractional (SFEF) technology. Thechemical element and the UV spectrum of each fraction are analyzed. The effects of several factors on the interfacialtension are investigated, which are the fraction concentration in oil phase, the ratio of oil component, the saltsdissolved in the water phase and the pH value. The interfacial tension decreases rapidly as the concentration of theresidual fraction in the oil increases, showing a higher interfacial activity of the fraction. The interfacial tensionchanges, as the amount of absorption or the state of the fractions in the interface changes resulting from differentratios of oil, different kinds or concentrations of salts in water, and different pH values. It is concluded that theinterfacial tension changes regularly, corresponding to the regular molecular parameters of the vacuum residualf The vacuum residual from Iranian Light crude oil are separated into a series of 16 narrow fractionsaccording to the molecular weight by the supercritical fluid extraction and fractional (SFEF) technology. The chemical elements and the UV spectrum of each fraction are analyzed. The effects of several factors on the interfacialtension are investigated, which are the fraction concentration in oil phase, the ratio of oil component, the salts resolved in the water phase and the pH value. The interfacial tension decreases rapidly as the concentration of the residual fraction in the oil increases, showing a the interfacial activity of the fraction. the interfacial tension ofchanges, as the amount of absorption or the state of the fractions in the interface changes resulting from differentratios of oil, different kinds or concentrations of salts in water, and different pH values. the interfacial tension changes regularly, corresponding to the regular molecular parameters of th e vacuum residualf
原发性鼻中隔息肉临床上少见,现将我们遇到的三例报道如下。 1 临床资料例1 男,52岁,1981年7月23日入院。左鼻塞伴鼻出血8天,反复出血五次,进行性加重。检查右鼻腔前段中隔