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内黄县国税局下辖城区、楚旺、东庄、井店、梁庄、后河6个税务所和1个稽查局,担负着全县17个乡镇近4000纳税户的税收征管工作,现有干部职工86人。两年来,该局立足实际,艰苦奋斗,开拓创新,为内黄经济的发展和社会进步做出了积极贡献。 一、坚持依法治税,组织收入工作做到了应收尽收。 面对严峻的收入形势,该局党组按照抓早,抓紧、抓实的思路,始终坚持“依法治税,应收尽收,坚决不收过头税,征管质量经得起检查”的原则,结合实际,落实“查大、管小、服务”方针,加强日常分析考核,严把税收进度关,采取了一系列行之有效的措施和严格的奖惩办法,保证了组织收入工作的扎实开展,2001—2002年,共组织税收收入6000余万元,较好的完成了各项税收任务。 二、认真搞好“三位一体”综合改革,现代征管新格局已经形成。 1、机构改革进展顺利。改革后,中层班子平均年龄下降6岁,知识结构渐趋合理。 2、征管改革措施到位。(1)储蓄纳税与批量扣税的结合极大提高了征纳效率,降低了税收成本。(2)新的岗责体系落实到位,岗责设定合理,职责明确,分工合理,业 Huangzhuang IRS under the jurisdiction of the city, Chu Wang, Dong Zhuang, Jingdian, Liangzhuang, Houhe 6 tax offices and an inspection bureau, responsible for the county’s 17 towns and nearly 4,000 taxpayers tax collection and management work, and now 86 cadres and workers. In the past two years, the bureau has made a positive contribution to the economic development and social progress of the Nei Huang based on reality, working hard, pioneering and innovating. First, adhere to the tax according to law, organize the income work done to receive. Faced with the severe income situation, the party’s party and the party always adhered to the principle of “governing the tax in accordance with the law, accepting all taxes collected and resolutely not overcharging the tax, and ensuring the quality of collection and management” In actual practice, the principle of “checking big, managing small and serving” was put in place to reinforce routine analysis and examination, strictly control the tax progress, adopted a series of effective measures and strict incentives and punishments to ensure the earnest work of the organization’s income work. 2001 - In 2002, a total of more than 60 million yuan in tax revenue was organized, completing various tax tasks well. Second, conscientiously improve the “Trinity” comprehensive reform, a new pattern of modern collection and management has been formed. 1, institutional reform is progressing well. After the reform, the average age of middle-level staff dropped by 6 years and the knowledge structure became more reasonable. 2, collection and management reform measures in place. (1) The combination of savings tax and bulk tax deduction greatly improves the efficiency of tax collection and reduces the tax cost. (2) The new post responsibility system is put in place, the job responsibilities are set reasonable, the responsibilities are clear, the division of labor is reasonable, the industry
语文阅读教学中历来就重视学生语感的培养,本文结合具体的教学实践,对培养学生语感的方法策略进行了探索和总结。   一、有情朗读,培养语感   朗读是语文学科的重要特点,是培养学生良好语感的最基本、最重要的方法,通过有感情的朗读课文,学生将自己对课文的理解和个人情感渗透到课文朗读过程中,不但能够加深学生对课文内容的理解,而且能够有效提高学生的语言表达能力和语言感知能力,让学生在朗读过程中提高对认识、加
随着改革开放的不断深入和加入世贸组织,我 国的经济实力不断上升。与此同时,我国的税收征 管工作也在经历着一场深刻的变革,在这种形势 下,无论是对纳税人,还是征税人,都提
日前,财政部发出文件,在我国税费改革的试点地区将逐步取消农业特产税。这意味着在我国执行了20年的农业特产税税收政策开始松动。 20年前,由于粮食尚属短缺,为了调节粮食作
2002年4月,敦煌市国税局税务稽查人员对敦煌市自来水公司2001情况进行检查。检查中发现一笔特殊的账务处理过程:“借银行存款贷:生产费用一燃料费。” April 2002, Dunhuang
一、集中采购目录 纳入集中采购目录的项目必须实行集中采购,其中,通用采购项目委托集中采购代理机构采购,有特殊要求的专用采购项目由采购人委托经省级以上政府采购监督管