第八讲 细分市场心理分析

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在现代社会里,无论那个工商企业,都不可能同时为各类市场提供全部商品,来满足消费者的整体需要。而只可能在细分市场的基础上,选择个别目标市场,作为扩散商品的主销对象。工商企业要选择好目标市场,就必须研究各细分市场的消费心理特点,采取有效的营销策略。本讲主要分析以消费者的年龄与性别而细分的市场,并仅分析几个对整体市场影响较大的细分市场的消费心理特点。 In modern society, regardless of the industrial and commercial enterprise, it is impossible to provide all commodities for various markets at the same time to meet the overall needs of consumers. It is only possible to select individual target markets on the basis of market segments as the main selling target for diversified commodities. Business enterprises must choose the target market, we must study the characteristics of consumer psychology in various market segments, and take effective marketing strategies. This lecture mainly analyzes the market segmented by consumers’ age and gender, and analyzes only the consumer psychological characteristics of several market segments that have a large impact on the overall market.
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Two months ago,my father and I sent our treasured car to the auto repair shop to have a regular examination.My father was really confident about his fancy car,s
[原文] 齐景公出猎,上山见虎,下泽见蛇。归,召晏予而问之曰:“今日寡人出猎,上山见虎,下泽见蛇,殆所谓之不祥也?”晏子曰:“国有三不祥,是不与焉。夫有贤而不知,一不祥;知而不
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