
来源 :中国眼镜科技杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenruozhu
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在成功举办了东北视光万里行、华中视光万里行、西北视光万里行、西南视光万里行等系列活动之后,神秘的西藏便成了我们最希望去宣传、去普及视光知识的地方。因为,我们有义务和责任把《中国眼镜科技杂志》的爱心和科技知识送到祖国的西部边陲——西藏。今年8月初,在经过了长时间的筹备工作后,本刊总编贺庆亲自挂帅,带领记者,不避艰险,沿着陡峭的川藏公路,驱车前往西藏、青海等地,与当地的眼镜零售商进行了沟通和交流。我们惊喜地发现,在拉萨、在西宁,不仅城市面貌正发生着巨大的变化,而且当地的眼镜店的发展速度也令人刮目相看,他们4年前还是手工磨边配镜,如今已发展成拥有依视路电脑磨边机等先进设备的现代化零售商,西部眼镜业的未来正呈现出蒸蒸日上的大好局面。让我们欣慰的是,在拉萨新视力、大光明、茂昌、西宁康明等眼镜店,在店堂显眼处都赫然摆放着《中国眼镜科技杂志》;更令我们感动的是,在拉萨百货大楼、西藏康明眼镜店,刚一进店门,营业员就认出了我们的贺庆总编,并激动地要求和他合影留念。这一切,都印证了我们着力打造的“店店都有《中国眼镜科技杂志》”发行工程的成功;同时,也让我们深切体会到了肩上的压力,业界需要我们的服务,偏远地区的从业者更需要我们的服务,为此, After successfully holding a series of activities such as the Northeast Vision Lightning, Central China Vision Lightning, Northwest Vision Lightning and Southwest Vision Lightning, the mysterious Tibet became what we most wanted to promote and popularize the knowledge of the light. local. Because, we have the obligation and responsibility to “China Optical Science and Technology Magazine,” the love and scientific knowledge sent to the motherland’s western border - Tibet. At the beginning of August this year, after a long preparatory work, He Qing, chief editor of the journal, personally led the reporter to take the steep Sichuan-Tibet highway and drove to places like Tibet and Qinghai to work with local spectacles Retailers conducted communication and exchange. We were pleasantly surprised to find that in Lhasa, not only is there a huge change in the urban landscape, but the local optical shops are also seeing impressive growth rates. Four years ago, they were hand-edged glasses that have now grown into ownership Essilor computer edging machine and other advanced equipment, modern retailers, the optical industry in the west is showing a booming future situation. Let us be gratified that, in Lhasa, new vision, bright, Mao Chang, Xining Kangming and other optical shops, conspicuous in the store were impressively placed “China Optical Technology Magazine” What made us more touched is that in the Lhasa Department Store, Tibet Kangming optical shop, just entered the store, the salesperson recognized our editor-in-chief He Qing, and excitedly asked him to take a group photo. All of this confirms the success of the “China Optical Science and Technology Magazine” “release project” that we all strive to create. At the same time, we have also deeply felt the pressure on our shoulders. The industry needs our services and practitioners in remote areas More need our service, to this end,
乡常在 我的心上, 思故乡回 故乡,思乡已是厂、节的模样,’, l ,一 l思 亲人回—-、、掌譬 /、 I I/、 I ,I V l 8 5 3 2 I 3 1 ’2 I 3 1 8 5 I 1 2 3 1 } 1 一 I 故乡回 故
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6 53·I 2 3 2 1 2 1;:一1. 5 3 1 _) l 3 5 太湖 苏州 ,_、3 5 ’7 8 1·一0号7浇灌出 花红爱不够清流 /.、、,一、 H3·2 7 2 6 5·‘f—一7—7’树 青翠;送 春晖;§l塑盟
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