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日前,内蒙古自治区由政府副主席周维德率团赴上海招贤引才,诚邀上海各界有识之士参与内蒙古的经济开发和建设。2000多名来自上海的各类人才和高校毕业生前来咨询、洽谈。据周维德副主席介绍,内蒙古目前人才需求量最大的专业为经济管理,需要468人;需求量最大的行业为制造业。从学历层次看,目前需要博士75人,硕士512人,本科生1594人。上海东华大学的王炜博士在鄂尔多斯集团的展位边坐了足有30分钟,详细询问了公司科研项目的进展情况。他说:“他们正在进行的纺织开发项目很具有挑战性,如果条件允许,我很想到那里与他们进行合作。”据了解,内蒙古为提高引进人才的待遇,制订了多项优惠政策。通过应聘到内蒙古工 Recently, Vice Governor Zhou Weide of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region led a delegation to Shanghai to recruit talents, inviting all people of insight in Shanghai to participate in the economic development and construction of Inner Mongolia. Over 2,000 talents from Shanghai and college graduates came to consult and negotiate. According to Vice President Zhou Weide introduction, Inner Mongolia currently the largest demand professionals for economic management, need 468 people; the demand for the largest manufacturing sector. At the academic level, there are currently 75 doctors, 512 masters and 1594 undergraduates. Dr. Wang Wei from Shanghai Donghua University sat for 30 minutes beside the booth of Erdos Group and asked in detail about the progress of the company's scientific research projects. He said: “They are in the process of textile development project is very challenging, if conditions allow, I would like to find cooperation there. ” It is understood that Inner Mongolia in order to improve the introduction of qualified personnel, has formulated a number of preferential policies. By applying to Inner Mongolia workers
自然课上,做物体的热胀冷缩实验,老师先演示,再让学生自己动手操作。有一位同学观察得特 Natural class, do the object of thermal expansion and contraction experiment
每年夏天,烈日炎炎,酷热难忍,不少同学会发出这样的幻想:要是能把夏天的阳光留到冬天用该多好哇! 如今,这一幻想正在德国变成现实。 Every summer, the hot sun and the he
以下各猜一成语。(l)1=2 xs(2)0000(3)+0一0==?(4)二四六八十(5)一三五七九(6)一二五六七 _、17《7)二于=3 .4、’25一”(s)兴“/100(9)1000 x 10=10000(10)10002=100 x 100
建筑是个相对冷漠的行业,坚硬冰冷的材质和理性严谨的规范无处不在,仿佛没有一丝女性的痕迹可寻。就像曾有人把摩天大楼比作阳具,城市比作阳具遍布的 Architecture is a re
美丽的人工湖多姿多态,妩媚动人,像一颗晶莹的明珠,镶嵌在公园的西南角,令人赏心悦目,赞不绝口。 Beautiful artificial lake multi-state, charming and moving, like a c
宋朝有个大臣,名叫鲁宗道,其人忠厚老实,一生清廉。有一次,皇帝宋真宗要召见他,派朝廷中的使者到他家去找他时,他正和客人在酒店里喝酒,且酒兴正浓。使者等 There was a min
题目:从甲城往乙城运78吨货物,如果用载重量是5吨的大卡车运一趟,运费为110元;用载重量为2吨的小卡车运一趟,运费为50元。要使运费最 Title: 78 tons of cargo transported
右图是用1/500的比例尺画出的图形,你能计算出它的实际面积吗?小莉看了题目,略加思考便做了起来, The right is a 1/500 scale drawn graphics, you can calculate the act