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科技档案信息资源配置问题的提出,有着深刻的时代背景。从理论方面来看,继1975年以后,因库普曼(T.C.Koopmans)在资源配置方面的杰出贡献而成为诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者之后,有关资源配置理论方面的研究便一时成为各国最热门的课题之一。在我国,由于以前推行的是计划经济,加之科技档案因为“本单位”形成或绝大部分因为“本单位”形成的束缚,似乎科技档案信息资源不存在配置的问题。其实这是一种错觉。科技档案的移交、科技档案信息的交流、科技档案信息资源的共享等,实际上都是科技档案信息资源配置的具体体现。 在任何经济体制下,决定资源配置状态及其变化的不是资源配置机制,或者说,资源配置机制的有 Scientific and technological information resources allocation problem, has a profound background of the times. From a theoretical point of view, after 1975, when TC Koopmans won the Nobel Prize in economics for his outstanding contribution to the allocation of resources, the research on the theory of resource allocation suddenly became the most important One of the hot topics. In our country, due to the previously planned economy and the lack of configuration of science and technology archives information resources, the science and technology archives do not exist because of the formation of “own unit” or the overwhelming majority of “unit” formation. In fact, this is an illusion. The transfer of scientific and technological files, the exchange of scientific and technological archives information and the sharing of scientific and technological archives and information resources are all concrete examples of the allocation of scientific and technological archives information resources. In any economic system, it is not the mechanism for resource allocation that determines the state of resource allocation and its changes. Or, the mechanism for resource allocation
一场战争没有硝烟/但却人命关天/奋战在一线的卫士/以坚强直面疫病用生命镇守生命他们是真正的英雄 A war no smoke / but lives off the sky / Fighting in the frontline
《红楼梦》第 60回有这样一个情节 :探春丫鬟翠墨命蝉姐儿出去叫小幺儿买糕 ,蝉儿借口劳累而作推托。“红校本”是这样的 :蝉儿便说 :“我才扫了个大园子 ,腰腿生疼的 ,你叫