国务院发展研究中心技术经济部专家提出 扩大内需新途径:设备国产化

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国务院发展研究中心技术经济研究部吕薇近日在一份报告中建议,抓住许多行业面临新一轮主体技术更新和设备更新的机遇,把设备国产化工作抓上去,使装备工业成为新的经济增长点。 报告认为,装备工业的产业关联度大,技术含量高。设备进口替代不仅可以为机械行业提供市场,还将带动包括材料、电子和零配件等在内的一批高技术含量的相关行业发展,从而提高国家产业竞争力。报告指出,近年我国国内的设备需求大量转向境外。如果不及早解决设备国产化问题,国内设备需求的外流将更大,扩大投资所创造的设备需求也就起不到有效地拉动内需的作用。 报告分析认为,我国设备需求外流和装备工业发展滞后固然有技术能力的原因,但主要是体制和政策问题。因此,要把设备投资转化为推动内需的动 Lu Wei, Department of Technical Economics, State Council Development Research Center recently recommended in a report that many industries should seize the opportunity of a new round of technological upgrading and equipment renewal to capture the localization of equipment and turn the equipment industry into a new economy growth point. The report believes that the equipment industry has a high degree of industrial relevance and high technical content. The import substitution of equipment can not only provide the market for the machinery industry, but also promote the development of a number of high-tech related industries including materials, electronics and spare parts to enhance the competitiveness of the national industry. The report pointed out that in recent years, China’s domestic demand for equipment has largely shifted offshore. If we do not solve the issue of localization of equipment soon, the outflow of domestic equipment will be greater and the demand for equipment created by the expansion of investment will not be able to effectively boost domestic demand. According to the report, there are certainly technical reasons for the sluggish demand for equipment in our country and the backward development of the equipment industry, but the major problems are the institutional and policy issues. Therefore, equipment investment should be transformed into the action of promoting domestic demand
研究浙江经济,一个独特的现象引人关注:国有经济比重不大,但总量不小,控制力很强。 Study of Zhejiang economy, a unique phenomenon attracts attention: the proportion
机遇 市场潜力巨大 我国的环保产业虽开创于70年代,但真正成长却是近十几年的事,它伴随着改善环境和治理污染而壮大。到1997年底,我国的环保企业达9000家,从业人员170多万,
中国经济体制改革研究会、中国市场经济研究会副会长杨启先认为,增加绝大多数人的收入对启动国内消费需求会产生巨大作用。 面对当前经济的四大困境:有效需求不足,通货明显