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“末位淘汰”是近年较为通行的一种人事管理办法,也是人们关注的热点问题之一。对其功过是非,利弊得失,可谓是仁者见仁、智者见智,已有不少观感见诸报刊。对此,笔者也谈点一孔之见。其实,末位淘汰的实质是优胜劣汰,人们用于人事管理的目的在于激发调动人的潜能,让其积极主动认真负责甚至富于创造性地卓有成效地开展工作,进而更好地推进部门或单位的事业 “Last eliminated ” is a more common way of personnel management in recent years, but also one of the hot issues people are concerned about. The merits and demerits of their merits and demerits, pros and cons of gains and losses, it can be said benevolence see benevolence, the wise see the wisdom, there have been many perceptions seen newspapers. In this regard, I also talk about a hole in opinion. In fact, the essence of the last phase of elimination is the survival of the fittest. The purpose of people used for personnel management is to stimulate the potential of those who mobilize and actively and earnestly and responsibly carry out their work creatively and creatively so as to further promote the cause of the department or unit
Europium and terbium coordination polymers of pyridine-3-carboxylic acid were in-situ composed with ethyl methacrylate (EMA). With the polymerization of EMA mon
According to the physical and chemical design, a kind of kaolinite /dimethylsulfoxide/carboxymethyl starch (CMS) ternary nanocomposite was prepared by the two-s
“知人论世”是传统的读书方法,历来受到语文阅读教学的重视。在教学实践中,作品背景介绍的方法方式经历了许多的变化,教师口述、文字介绍、教学案预习、多媒体视频展示、学生课外收集等等,但基本不外乎“作者生平——写作背景——意义分析”流水线式的操作,将作者情况及作品背景视为理解作品的重要途径,甚至将这一过程作为完整的教学不可或缺的一个环节,无视其与作品理解的关系。  阅读的本质是读者与文本、读者与作者之间
在语文教学中,适时适“度”地进行德育渗透,是语文教学的重要任务,是语文课堂教学的有机组成部分,也是目前实施素质教育,培养全面发展的学生的迫切需要。那么,怎样才能做到“适度”而“不及度”或“过度”呢?我认为,首先应从语言文字入手,做到如下几点:  一.据文悟道,准确把握语文教学中德育渗透的精度  大凡文章,不论诗歌、散文,还是戏剧、小说,都是语言文字与思想内容的有机统一,即“文”与“道”的结合,其中
答案  吉吉是按数字上下颠倒会怎样来分组的。1、3、8、0颠倒后还与原来基本相同;6、9颠倒过来,6变成9,9变成6;2、5颠倒过来,倒2很像5,倒5很像2;只有倒4什么也不像。  苏苏的分法:1、3、7、8注音为阴平,即第一声;2、4、6注音都是去声,即第四声;5、9注音为上声,即第三声;0注音为阳平,即第二声。楚楚的分法:4、5是两画,其余数字都是一画。
A transparent tellurite glass-ceramic containing nanocrystals based on the composition of 15Li_2O-15Nb_2O_5-70TeO_2-0.1ErEr_2O_3-0.4Yb_2O_3(mol%)was prepared by
The curve of crystallization transition during continuous heating for the ~Zr_~41 Ti_~14 Cu_~12.5 Ni_~10 Be_~22.5 bulk ~amorphous alloy was measured by means of