
来源 :植物病理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyong910
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After being onto 22nd recoverable satellite of China for 18-day spaceflight under microgravity condition,the growth and pathogenicity of Penicillium expansum were investigated.Spore germination rate of the spaceflight pathogen was insignificantly lower than that of the ground control.After germination,germ tube elongation of spaceflight pathogen was slower,as well as mycelia growth.However,there was no significant difference according to independent-samples T-test.The consistent results were obtained in vivo.The spaceflight pathogen exhibited a little weaker pathogenicity in peach fruit.These findings suggested that the microgravity reduced the growth and pathogenicity of P.expansum,but the effect was not marked. After being onto 22nd recoverable satellite of China for 18-day spaceflight under microgravity condition, the growth and pathogenicity of Penicillium expansum were investigated. Spore germination rate of the spaceflight pathogen was insignificantly lower than that of the ground control. After germination, germ tube elongation of spaceflight pathogen was slower, as well as mycelia growth.However, there was no significant difference according to independent-samples T-test. the consistent results were obtained in vivo. spaceflight pathogen examine a little weaker pathogenicity in peach fruit.These findings suggested that the microgravity reduced the growth and pathogenicity of P.expansum, but the effect was not marked.
杨铖同学在两篇投稿中,都是利用数学期望的性质求解了一类相关的数学问题.综合两稿文内容,经审改拟合成一文.我们认为作者的解题思路新颖,解题方法可供同学们学习借鉴. Yang
目的 :采用Q指数法、等效线法和多元逻辑Logistic回归学模型来评价乙醇、水合氯醛以及纳洛酮相互作用。方法 :观察 3种药物对昆明种小鼠催眠作用的影响。在 2药相互作用研究