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经过第三次重组,我国通信行业形成了中国移动、中国电信和中国联通三足鼎立的局面,三家运营商的经营范围也由过去的分区域、分业务运营转变为全国范围内的全业务运营。五年过去了,激烈的竞争促进了市场的繁荣,推动了我国通信事业的快速发展,通信改革成果逐渐显现。截至2012年年底,我国移动通信普及率已突破80%,中国移动“一家独大”的市场格局正在持续优化,特别是在3G竞争中,基本形成了三分天下的竞争格局。但随着改革的持续深化,行业中更深层次的矛盾和问题逐渐暴露出来。近年来,通信行业的不正当竞争行为屡禁不止、愈演愈烈,出现了种种“竞争乱象”:有意破坏竞争对手的通信设施,用不正当手段诋毁和排挤竞争对手,在公共场合为争夺客户大打出手,刻意蛊惑、误导或冒犯消费者……尤其是在大学新生报到期间,种种负面消息就会充斥耳目,让人甚是反感。那么,为什么会出现通信企业自毁形象、消费者利益被侵害、通信行业价值遭到破坏这种“全输”的结果呢?通信行业需要什么样的市场竞争?怎样才能实现通信行业的有效率和有效果竞争?本文从“竞争”这一基本概念出发,深入探讨和厘清竞争乱象的本质,从而为有关部门和企业制定策略提供一定的参考依据。 After the third reorganization, China’s telecommunications industry formed a situation of tripartite confrontation between China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom. The three operators also changed their business scope from sub-regional and sub-business operations to full-service operations nationwide. Five years have passed, fierce competition has promoted the prosperity of the market, promoted the rapid development of China’s telecommunications industry, and the results of the communications reform have gradually become apparent. As of the end of 2012, the penetration rate of mobile communications in China has exceeded 80%, and the market structure of China Mobile “One Big One” is continuously optimized. Especially in the 3G competition, the competition pattern of one-third of the world has basically taken shape. However, with the deepening of the reform, deeper contradictions and problems in the industry are gradually exposed. In recent years, there have been repeated and intensified unfair competition in the telecommunications industry. Various kinds of “chaos of competition” have emerged: communication facilities that intentionally undermine competitors, vilification and exclusion of competitors by improper means, competition for customers in public places Hit the hand, deliberately confused, misleading or offended consumers ... ... especially during college freshmen, all kinds of negative news will be filled with exaggeration, people are very offensive. So what is the result of “all-lose” such as “all-lose” that the image of self-destructive communication enterprises is infringed on, the interests of consumers are infringed upon, and the value of the communications industry is damaged? What kind of market competition does the telecommunications industry need and how can the telecommunications industry Efficient and effective competition? This paper starts with the basic conception of “competition ”, explores and clarifies the essence of the competition chaos, and provides some reference for the relevant departments and enterprises to formulate strategies.
目的:研究中药肉苁蓉的有效鉴别方法。 方法:利用近红外漫反射光谱法,采用聚类分析方法进行定性鉴别。 结果:在此条件下可实现不同产地肉苁蓉及其混淆品的有效鉴别。