关注 理解 支持 电力体制改革中的电力施工企业

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今年 3月 ,国务院以国发〔2 0 0 2〕5号文颁发了“关于电力体制改革方案” ,并很快进入了实施阶段。改革方案指出 :“有关电力设计、修造、施工等辅助性业务单位 ,要与电网企业脱钩 ,进行公司化改造 ,进入市场”。按照上述方案 ,现有的电力施工企业将从电力公司 (电力局 )剥离到社会 ,延续了几十年的电力施工企业依托于主管公司 (局 )的从属模式将被打破 ,失去行业的特殊照顾 ,真正独立地进入市场。无疑 ,这对电力施工企业是一次深刻的变革 ,其影响面之大 ,涉及面之广 ,切入度之深是前所未有的。新中国成立 5 0多年来 ,尤其是改革开放以后 ,广大电力施工企业为我国的电力工业作出了不可磨灭的贡献 ,为国家和人民创造了巨大的财富 ,一座座电厂 ,一条条输电线路记载了电建职工几十年来的辛勤劳动和奋斗精神 ,为今日的繁荣打下了坚实的基础。无可争辩 ,电力施工企业是电力工业的主力军之一。随着全国改革开放形势的不断发展 ,电力体制改革逐渐成为电力系统改革的焦点。改革是不以企业和个人的意愿为转移的必然趋势 ,也是企业发展的必然选择。体制的改变使几十年来资产积累薄弱的电力施工企业面临着严峻的挑战和考验 ,然而 ,广大电力施工企业并没有因此而退却 ,他们以大局为重 ,积极配合体制改革 ,自强不息 In March this year, the State Council issued the “About the Power System Reform Program” with the document “Guo Fa [2020] No. 5” and soon entered the implementation stage. The reform plan pointed out: “Associative business units such as power design, construction, and construction must be decoupled from power grid companies, and corporate transformations should be made to enter the market”. According to the above plan, the existing power construction companies will be stripped from the power companies (electricity bureaus) to the society, and the subordinate models that the power construction companies rely on for the competent companies (bureaus) will be broken for decades and lose the special care of the industry. , truly independent into the market. Undoubtedly, this is a profound change for electric power construction companies. Its influence is large and involves a wide range of fields, and the depth of the cut is unprecedented. Since the founding of New China for more than 50 years, especially after the reform and opening up, the vast majority of electric power construction companies have made indelible contributions to China’s electric power industry and created tremendous wealth for the country and its people. A power plant and a transmission line have been recorded. The hard work and fighting spirit of the company’s employees over the past decades have laid a solid foundation for today’s prosperity. Undoubtedly, electric power construction companies are one of the main forces in the power industry. With the continuous development of the national situation of reform and opening up, the power system reform has gradually become the focus of power system reform. Reform is an inevitable trend that does not shift from the will of companies and individuals. It is also an inevitable choice for the development of enterprises. Changes in the system have made power construction companies with weak asset accumulation for several decades faced with severe challenges and tests. However, the majority of power construction companies did not retreat from them. They focused on the overall situation, actively cooperated with the system reform, and constantly improved themselves.
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