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目前,全區土地改革運動,在基本上糾正了“和平土改”偏向之後,很有生氣地開展起來了!第一批重點鄉,從反破壞、反抵抗、反惡霸和查租廢債入手,深入發動貧雇農,向地主進行鬥爭,已經打開肩面,獲致戰果,創造了實現分田的條件。這一步驟過去,即將轉入劃階級的鬥爭。第二批點的運動和由點到面的發展,估計很快地就會開展起來。無論從運動發展的規模來看,或從執行政策的情況來看,這一階段的鬥爭一般是良好的。打擊了地主的破壞,發動了貧雇農群眾,健全了農民協會的組織,這就是一般的情况。这種情况說明,初戰已經勝利了。在初戰勝利之後,有一項十分耍緊的工作任務擺在我們面前,這就是總結初戰的級驗。土改工作,正如其他任何工作一樣,我們必須一邊工作,一邊學習,在學習中前進。我們要看到成績,發揚成績;也要檢查缺點,並想法克服缺點。只有這樣,才能繼續進攻,擴大戰果,爭取新的勝 At present, the region’s land reform movement has been vigorously carried out after basically rectifying the “peace and land reform” bias. The first batch of key townships, starting from anti-vandalism, anti-resistance, anti-bullying and rent-seeking debts Beginning, in-depth mobilization of poor peasants and peasants, the struggle against the landlords, has opened its shoulders, won the battle, created the conditions for the realization of sub-fields. This step has passed and is about to go to the clashed class struggle. The second batch of point-by-point movement and development, it is estimated will soon be carried out. The fight at this stage is generally good, both in terms of the size of the movement, or in the context of the implementation of the policy. Cracking down on the destruction of the landowners, mobilizing the poor peasants and peasants and improving the organization of farmer associations is a general situation. This situation shows that the first battle has already won. After the victory of the First World War, there was a very important task ahead of us. This is the conclusion of the initial war. Land reform work, just like any other work, must be done while we study and progress through our studies. We need to see achievements and develop achievements. We must also check for shortcomings and find ways to overcome shortcomings. Only in this way can we continue to attack, expand the victory and strive for a new victory
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据2005年1月25日消息,越南北方太平省又一名中年男子被证实感染禽流感,南方同塔省1名35岁的妇女当天也被查明死于禽流感,从而使年初以来越南禽流感患者增至10人。从年初以来,越南全国已有25个省市的近400多个乡镇发现了禽流感疫情,约有56万只家禽病死或被宰杀。越南禽流感的爆发又为全世界敲响了警钟。  禽流感病毒不是一种新发现的病毒。它于1900年首次被发现,当时被命名为“真性鸡瘟病毒”,直到1