The Temple House: Reminiscent of the Old Days

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodemeng111
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  A hidden world in Chengdu
  The Temple House is an integral part of the Chengdu Daci Temple. It is an engaging journey to step from a historic courtyard building to an elegant modern room. As an enthralling and vibrant hotel in Chengdu, the Temple House is inspired by Chengdu’s heritage and landscape. Depending on local culture and history, a number of traditional courtyard buildings have been blended into the hotel’s design. To ensure the best guest experience, the design of the hotel interior lays emphasis on the senses of sight and sound through combing with the light and the texture of furniture.
  Surprisingly, art is all around you here. A collection of contemporary art is inspired by the surroundings. Inspiring pieces can be found throughout the public spaces, both indoors and outdoors. A wide range of articles including digital art, sculptures and paintings will give you a chance to embark on a unique artistic journey. From waiting for the elevators to taking a quiet stroll around the balcony, you can come across sculptures and paintings that can hopefully inspire and delight you.
  The flaming youth in the Temple House
  The Temple House is a fabulous place for foodies to start their exploration in Chengdu. With hidden courtyards, beautiful buildings, stunning ballrooms and stylish boardrooms, the Temple House can be tailored to suit any occasion. It delivers the best restaurants, bars, event design and stages. Whatever you need, it will make it happen.
  It is highly recommended to enjoy an abundance of drinks within this hotel. With the retro glamour, a selection of wine, international and local beers and classic handcrafted cocktails, Jing is a bar you will love to linger in. Finding drinks in the breathtaking bar will evoke your infinite passion. What you need to do is just to immerse yourself in the surroundings, thus relax and rejuvenate your body and soul.
  6 月 22 日,根据柬埔寨旅游部发布的统计报告显 示,今年前 4 个月,柬埔寨共接待外国游客 190 万人次,其中中国游客占 18.8%,达 36 万人次, 同比增加 31%;第二 名为越南,占 14.2%。 柬埔寨旅游部官员 贡索皮列预计,今年赴柬中国游客有望达到 100 万人次。目前,共有 12 家航空公司开 通航运合作,每周约有 120 架次航班往来中 国和柬埔寨。
  6月20日,第七届敦煌行·丝绸之路国际旅游节开幕式暨国际旅行商大会在甘肃省临夏州永靖县拉开帷幕。开幕式期间,甘肃省旅游协会和哈萨克斯坦欧亚旅游协会就旅游领域的交流与合作,促进双方政府官员互访和企业家交流洽谈、项目合作,以及旅游推广、节庆活动和相互链接旅游业网站等方面,双方达成合作意愿签署协议。   柬埔寨政府为中国人提供签证便利
  柬埔寨旅游部部长唐坤6月20日在第七届敦煌行·丝绸之路国际旅游节上表示,现在柬埔寨为国际游客提供落地签和电子签证,柬埔寨政府近期已出台新的政策,向来自中国的投资者和游客提供一年、二年、三年的多次往返签证。唐坤透露,柬埔寨旅游部出台了吸引中国游客战略计划,特别是出台“China Ready”白皮书,旨在到2020年接待至少200万人次中国游客。
  柬埔寨旅游部部长唐坤6月20日在第七届敦煌行·丝绸之路国际旅游节上表示,现在柬埔寨为国际游客提供落地签和电子签证,柬埔寨政府近期已出台新的政策,向来自中国的投资者和游客提供一年、二年、三年的多次往返签证。唐坤透露,柬埔寨旅游部出台了吸引中国游客战略计划,特别是出台“China Ready”白皮书,旨在到2020年接待至少200万人次中国游客。
  6 月 14 日,全球旅行网站 TripAdvisor( 猫途鹰 )等发布的报告称,2016 年中国 再次成为全球最大客源国,中国游客的身影 愈加频繁地出现在世界上越来越多的角落。 在过去的 1 年里,受中国游客关注度增长最 多的热门目的地城市中,绝大部分都是适宜 度假的海岛或海边城市。从日常的繁忙生活 中寻得一段时间的放松、享受度假的愉悦成 为越来越多中国游客的首要旅行目的。
  Hong Kong rolls out the red carpet for mainland visitors
  Jun. 3, 2017 (China Daily) -- Hong Kong (China) has launched a host of special tourism packages to woo mainlanders. The Hong Kong Tourism Board recently unveiled a series of travel deals, from air tickets and accommodation to shopping and catering. The promotion is part of Hong Kong’s plans to mark the 20th anniversary of its return to China. Travellers whose age is between 26 and 35 are the biggest group visiting Hong Kong.
  Making tracks to visit Hulin in Heilongjiang
  Jun. 5, 2017 (China Daily) -- A tourism train connecting Beijing and Hulin in Heilongjiang Province will start operations in July. It will access not only the area’s natural allures but also Beidahuang, a great northern wilderness which is rapidly urbanizing. The train will connect Beijing to neighboring Hebei’s Qinhuangdao, Beidaihe and Shanhai Pass, and Heilongjiang’s Harbin, Jiamusi, Mudanjiang and Fuyuan.   Guizhou as tourism attraction featured at UN HQ
  Jun. 5, 2017 (Xinhua) -- China’s Guizhou launched a tourism promotion at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Lu Yongzheng, Vice Governor of Guizhou Province expressed the hope that the event could deepen cultural and tourism cooperation between the two sides. At the event, a number of MOUs were signed between the Guizhou Tourism Development Commission and some tourism associations of the United States.
  Wealthy Chinese seek adventures on vacation
  Jun. 6, 2017 (China Daily) -- Despite a sluggish world economy, the expanding group of wealthy Chinese is showing a bigger appetite for luxury travel, adding a bit to the members’ spirit of adventure. According to The Chinese Luxury Traveller 2017 Report, the average upscale traveller spent RMB 380,000 yuan on family travel last year, RMB 220,000 yuan of which was devoted to shopping, increasing by 57% year-on-year.
  Malaysia sees more tourist arrivals from China
  Jun. 8, 2017 (Xinhua) -- The total Chinese tourist arrivals in Malaysia increased by 7.5% year-on-year to 551,000 in the first quarter, and the momentum may continue to pick up following some encouraging measures by China and Malaysia. China ranked third in terms of visitor arrivals to Malaysia in the first quarter. It accounted for 8.3% of the total visitors to Malaysia, after Singapore at 48.5% and Indonesia at 10.6%.
  Taiwan and Hong Kong to jointly promote Asian tourism
  Jun. 8, 2017 (4Hoteliers) -- Taiwan (China) and Hong Kong’s first collaboration to jointly promote multi-destination travel last year achieves remarkable results, the tourism boards of both destinations, namely the Taiwan Tourism Bureau (TTB) and the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), will continue the partnership this year, targeting North American markets with the aim of attracting more tourists to Taiwan and Hong Kong.
  China to develop “all-for-one” tourism demonstration zones
  Jun. 12, 2017 (Xinhua) -- China issued guidelines to develop “all-for-one” tourism demonstration zones to encourage local governments to integrate tourism resources to improve tourism competitiveness and service quality. The demonstration zones should have high standards of governance, extensive tourism products and services and active public participation.
  Hilton opens its 100th hotel in China
  Jun. 12, 2017 (China Travel News) -- Hilton announced the opening of Hilton Quanzhou Riverside, Hilton’s 100th hotel in China. The 25-story, 296-room riverfront hotel is located in the heart of Quanzhou, Fujian Province’s largest metropolitan area and an important economic center in southeastern China that continues to support the corporate, MICE and leisure travellers.
  Global theme parks: Disney remains No. 1
  Jun. 16, 2017 (China Travel News) -- Walt Disney Attractions remained the world largest theme park operator in 2016 with an annual attendance of more than 140 million visitors, followed by Merlin Entertainments Group (61.20 million) and Universal Parks and Resorts (47.36 million). Of the Top 10 Theme Park Groups Worldwide in 2016 by attendance, three were from China: OCT Parks China, Fantawild and Chimelong Group. Fantawild had several new parks pass their first full year of operation in 2016 and deliver large increases in attendance. Parks in China generally did well in 2016 and will have more attendances than those in the Unite State by 2020.
2017中国—东盟博览会文化展于4月13日在广西南宁国际会展中心拉开帷幕,主体活动时间为4月13日至4月16日。與往年不同的是,本次展会在南宁国际会展中心D-14号馆首次开设广西特色旅游文化主题展馆,以“特色旅游 八桂巡礼”为主题,集中展现广西特色旅游名县的创建经验及风采魅力,邀请全民见证广西旅游建设的丰硕成果。
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Apr. 2, 2017 (Xinhua) -- China will see a surge of rail travelers during the Tomb-sweeping Day holiday. China Railway, the national railway operator, expects the number of trips in the country to hit
In the misty and drizzly southern China, umbrella plays a key role in the daily life of local people. The unique culture, as well as the aesthetics and poetic imagery of umbrella together express a co