The formation and evolution of psychology coincided with the historical stage that the feudal society of our country started to decline after it reached its peak day by day. During this period, the germination and development of capitalist factors is the eve of the Chinese nation’s move toward the modern era. It should be said that the development of psychology is consistent with the trend of historical development and has its own rationality. To conduct a comprehensive and in-depth discussion with a scientific attitude has important academic significance. A book published by Wang Fengxian and Ding Guoshun published in this year’s book The Study of the East Zhejiang School (Zhejiang People’s Publishing House) takes the specific historical background of the changing times as a reference and creates a new path from the regional academic thoughts and schools The process makes a root-mean-speculative exploration of the birth and development of Yangming psychology, which provides a new insight into the evolution of Yangming psychology