米其林的秘密 2013世界耐力锦标赛上海站

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规则允许轮胎公司之间公开竞争,也就是说车队可以自由选择轮胎。奥迪、丰田、法拉利、保时捷等赛车都选择了米其林轮胎2013月11月9日下午,世界耐力锦标赛(WEC)上海站决出胜负,1号赛车奥迪R8etron quattro在最后关头超越7号丰田TS030Hybrid赛车,夺得本场比赛冠军。克里斯滕森领衔驾驶的奥迪2号赛车获得第三名,这也使得他们提前一站锁定了年度车手冠军。比赛有赢家输家,但作为WEC的官方轮胎提供商来自法国的轮胎巨头米其林是永远的赢家。为赛事中的这些超级跑车制造品质可靠、要求苛刻的“跑鞋”不是一件容易的事情,米其林必须在技术规则要求下为不同组别赛车提供适合不同天气条件、不同赛道状况的多款轮 The rules allow for open competition among tire companies, which means that teams are free to choose their tires. Michelin tires were selected for Audi, Toyota, Ferrari and Porsche cars On the afternoon of November 9, 2013, World Endurance Championship (WEC) Shanghai Railway Station won the championship and No. 1 car Audi R8etron quattro overtook No. 7 Toyota TS030Hybrid at the last minute , Won the game champion. Christensen led the driving of the Audi 2 car third place, which also makes them one step ahead of the locked the annual champion. Winners lose the race, but Michelin, the tire giant from France, the official tire provider for WEC, is the winner forever. It is not an easy task to build reliable, demanding “running shoes” for these supercars in the race, and Michelin must provide different groups of racing cars with different weather conditions and different track conditions as required by technical regulations Round of money
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【澳大利亚铀信息中心《每周新闻简报》2002年4月19日报道】 美国核电生产记录 2001年美国共生产核电7673亿kW·h,比2000增长了1.8%,相当于新建了两个大型核电厂。自1997年