金色盾牌 热血铸就——银川市公安局60年回顾

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60年峥嵘岁月,60年光辉历程,60年风雨兼程,60年沧桑巨变。伴随着时代前进的步伐,伴随着改革开放的春天,银川公安一代又一代领导集体和广大公安民警,在各级党委、政府和上级公安机关的坚强领导下,开拓创新,与时俱进,忠实履行着打击敌人、保护人民、惩治犯罪、服务全市经济社会发展和各族人民群众的神圣使命,在这片“塞上江南、回族之乡、西夏古都”美丽富饶的热土上,构筑起平安和谐的安全屏障。 60 years of towering years, 60 years of glorious history, 60 years trials and hardships, 60 years vicissitudes changes. Along with the progress of the times, along with the spring of reform and opening up, the leaders of the generation of public security in Yinchuan and the vast majority of public security police, with the strong leadership of party committees and governments at all levels and the public security organs at higher levels, are pioneering and innovating, advancing with the times and being faithful Fulfill the sacred mission of cracking down on the enemy, protecting the people, punishing criminals, serving the whole city’s economic and social development and the people of all ethnic groups, and building up a beautiful and rich hot land in the area of ​​“Jiangnan, the hometown of Hui and the ancient capital of Xixia” Safe and harmonious security barrier.
近年来,新兴县社会治安综合治理工作,在县委、县政府的领导下,以“保稳定、保平安、促发展、促和谐”为目标,抓好治安防范和治安管理各 In recent years, under the leaders
“想在我眼前蒙混过关,你的算盘打错了。”警官贾了才随后便去他的住处找到了一张“全家福”。正是这张“全家福”让他哑口无言,原形毕露,而且引出他的累累罪恶。 “I want
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