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目前的社会发展形势对我们管理部门来说,不是去设想建设一个什么样的行业,而是重点要发现社会需要一个怎样的行业?要让消费者有知情权、有发言权,想维权、懂维权。让社会了解驾培,让驾培跟上社会。只有这样,驾校才能有生命力,才有出路2013年,南通驾培行业刮起了一股新风——“学驾满意不满意,一切学员说了算”。这股风荡心涤尘,对经营理念、教学模式和服务态度的转变都是具有革命性的。一切围绕“学员的学驾需求”来设定,是一种大胆的尝试,也是行业管理模式的首创。从今年三月份以来,经过九个月的实践,取得了明显的成效,表明这项活动是符合行业发展需要的。笔者作为推行这项活动的工作人员,有一些简单的见解和感受,与诸位同仁分享。 The current situation of social development for our management department, not to imagine what kind of building a business, but the key to find out what kind of community needs of the industry? To enable consumers to have the right to information, have a say, want to defend their rights Rights. Let the community understand driving training, driving training to keep up with the community. Only in this way, driving school to be able to have vitality, there is a way out 2013, Nantong driving training industry blowing a fresh air - “Students are not satisfied with the test, all students have the final say.” This wind and dust, the business philosophy, teaching mode and change of attitude are revolutionary. All around the “student demand ” to set, is a bold attempt, but also the industry’s first management model. Since nine months in March this year, after nine months of practice, remarkable results have been achieved, indicating that this activity is in line with the needs of the development of the industry. As a staff member who carries out this activity, I have some simple ideas and feelings to share with my colleagues.