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随着全球经济一体化发展,国内市场逐步与国外市场接轨,企业的发展将需要更多的外语人才。中等职业学校作为人才培养基地,要以提高学生英语口语交际能力为目标,树牢社会需求思想,面对教育改革的急剧转型,切实转变传统教学理念,真正把有用的人才培养作为义不容辞的责任履行好,把英语服务能力作为唯一的教育教学标准确立起来,把心思和精力用在学生英语口语能力的提高上,以改革的精神,强烈的使命意识,只争朝夕的劲头,敢做素质教育的弄潮儿,切实提高教学质量,使学生的英语口语交际能力达到就业要求水平。本文根据中等职业学校生源的英语基础较差的实际状况,对以提高学生口语能力为目的的英语教学,提出了教学改革新思路,通过克服传统英语课堂教学的局限性,引入课外实践活动辅助教学的新机制,更新教学环境,多渠道改善教学方法和学习方法,确立学生学习的主体地位,调动学生经常化进行英语口语训练的主观能动性,教育教学方法的可行性较强,具有很好的推广价值,对于正在进行教育教学改革的中等职业技术学校的英语教学是很好的催化剂。 With the development of global economic integration, the domestic market will gradually become integrated with foreign markets and the development of enterprises will require more foreign language talents. As a training base of talents, secondary vocational schools should aim at improving students’ ability of oral English communication, root themselves in the social demand thoughts, face the drastic transformation of education reform, effectively change the traditional teaching idea, and truly train useful talents as an obligatory responsibility fulfillment Good, the English ability to serve as the only education and teaching standards established, the use of the mind and energy in improving students’ ability to speak English, with the spirit of reform, a strong sense of mission, strive for the momentum of the eve of the day, dare to do quality education Beach-goers, and effectively improve the quality of teaching so that students’ oral English communication ability to meet the requirements of employment. According to the actual situation of poor English foundation of students in secondary vocational schools, this paper puts forward a new idea of ​​teaching reform for English teaching aimed at improving students’ oral English ability. By overcoming the limitations of traditional English classroom teaching, this paper introduces extracurricular practical activities to assist teaching , Updating teaching environment, improving teaching methods and learning methods through multiple channels, establishing the dominant position of students ’learning, arousing the students’ subjective initiative to conduct regular oral English training, and the feasibility of education and teaching methods is strong and has good promotion Value, for the ongoing reform of education and teaching of secondary vocational and technical schools in English teaching is a good catalyst.
利用气相色谱-质谱-计算机联用仪对广东种植的罗勒经水蒸汽蒸馏得到的精油(Ocimum basilicum oil)的化学成分进行分析研究,分离鉴定了32种成分,其中主要成分为甲基胡椒酚(58.
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