A principal once said to me: “P.E. teachers should be characters who have a great voice, a good head, a bearish back, and students who are afraid to see it.” Unfortunately, I am a second-class man with a figure of only 1.70m, and The face is not very embarrassing, the expression is not enough to be murderous and unable to make students afraid. Can’t sing “go to the big river east”, just say “Liu Lang smells” stop. Not all students are welcome to Laoxi’s SS. Face to face may not have you in your heart. Between teachers and students, it should be a sincere and equal friend relationship. What teachers feel is most troublesome is that classroom order is difficult to maintain. They rely on intimidation, prestige, treatment, and even physical punishment to maintain order. Eventually, they will leave sequelae. Through many years of teaching practice, I have found that humor is a good lubricant: it not only shows the position and attitude of teachers, but also makes students feel good.