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曲阜阙里孔庙的修建,已经有两千多年的历史,其间虽屡经周折,却在同一个基址上不断地扩展并完善着同一个建筑组群。本文从曲阜阙里孔庙在先秦至汉代时的初建,到唐宋时期的增扩,再到元明时代的定型,及现存清代阙里孔庙的格局,做了一个纵贯两千多年的梳理。曲阜阙里孔庙在逐渐扩大的过程中,有过多次的重建、扩建,在规模上大致形成规模是在金代,而在型制上则自元、明时代趋于定型,现在的格局则是在清雍正年间重建中确定的。因而,曲阜阙里孔庙的修建历史为我们提供了一幅中国古代建筑衍生演变的鲜活图卷。 The construction of the Temple of Confucius in Qufu has been more than 2,000 years old. Although it has undergone numerous setbacks, it has continuously expanded and perfected the same building group on the same site. This article has made a long-term construction of the Confucian Temple of Qufu from the early Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, to the expansion of the Tang and Song Dynasties, to the stereotyping of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and to the existing Confucian temple of the Qing Dynasty, which lasted for more than two thousand years. Combing. During the gradual expansion of the Confucian Temple in Qufu, there have been several reconstructions and expansions, and the scale has been roughly formed in the Jin Dynasty, while in the form of the system, it has been fixed since the Yuan and Ming dynasties. The current pattern is It was established during the redevelopment of the Qing Dynasty. Thus, the history of the construction of the Temple of Confucius in the Qufu Temple provided us with a fresh picture of the evolution of ancient Chinese architecture.
2000年夏,看完威尼斯建筑双年展,我来到维也纳,那是为了寻找阿道夫·路斯(Adolf Loos 1870-1933)设计的建筑。这位20世纪世界建筑界的孤高者,他的思想和作品,直到晚年才得到
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建筑学是一门特殊的学科,它既具工科属性,又与社会学、历 史学、美学、心理学、文学、环境学等有着深刻紧密的联系。在东 南大学8月24日举办的全国博士主论坛(土木建筑学科)