天山区人大:抢抓机遇 促进城区经济发展

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酝酿已久的中央新疆工作座谈会于5月17日至19日在北京召开后,自治区迅速召开干部大会,传达学习会议精神。与此同时,全疆各州、市、县(市)人大常委会(地区人大工委)掀起了学习贯彻落实会议精神的高潮。各地各级人大纷纷表示,将积极主动地服务于自治区的发展稳定大局,通过依法履行职权,把中央的决策部署全面落到实处,以实际行动为新疆的经济发展和社会大局稳定助力。 The long-awaited forum on the work of the Central Xinjiang Government was held in Beijing from May 17 to May 19, and the autonomous region held a cadre meeting immediately to convey the spirit of the study conference. At the same time, the Standing Committee of NPC (City People’s Congress) of all prefectures, cities, counties (cities) in Xinjiang has set off the climax of studying and implementing the spirit of the conference. The people’s congresses at all levels have stated in succession that they will actively serve the overall interests of the development and the stabilization of the autonomous region, fulfill their functions and powers in accordance with the law, comprehensively implement the decision-making arrangements of the central authorities in a down-to-earth manner and take practical actions to stabilize the economic development and social stability in Xinjiang.
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1  目的是去林芝看桃花,可我们首先抵达的是拉萨。到达拉萨的时间是深夜十一点多,小小的拉萨贡嘎国际机场到达大厅的人区区可数。我们屏住呼吸,手机里用很小的声音联系接机人:“您好。我们到了。请问您在哪?”这使我们看起来有点鬼鬼祟祟,有点偷偷摸摸,有点贼头贼脑。我想这不仅是我,也会是大多数内地人初到西藏的样子。  在无数内地人的观念里,去西藏无疑是一件有几分危险的事。那里的海拔太高了,仅拉萨就有3600