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中國數學會所召開的以分析爲主的學術討論會,已於九月一日至七日在北京師範大學北院舉行。這次會議是在全國科聯所指示的《學習蘇聯及展開學術活動》這個原則之下召開的。參加會議的人,系依照全國科聯所規定以京津兩地數學家爲主,並邀請了一些外地數學家,計出席34人,列席18人。一日開幕,中國數學會主席華羅庚同志致詞,指出這次會議只是數學界學術活動的開始。因爲目前各大學敎師們敎學工作相當繁重,一般學校的設備亦不夠齊全,所以目前還不能全面地展開學術研究工作。可是另一方面,由於祖國大規模建設的迅速發展,又不能不爲對研究工作日益迫切的需要准備條件。因此召開此次會議,討論發展方向,建立聯繫,分工合作,以便逐漸地展開數學研究工作。根據蘇聯的經驗以及數學界的共同看法,提出了分析是數學的主流,而決定 An analysis-based symposium held by the China Mathematical Society was held at the North Institute of Beijing Normal University from September 1 to September 7. The meeting was held under the principle of “learning the Soviet Union and launching academic activities” as indicated by the CISA. The people attending the conference were mainly mathematicians in Beijing and Tianjin according to the stipulations of the National Science Section. Some foreign mathematicians were invited to attend the conference, accounting for 34 people and 18 people. Opening on the 1st, Comrade Hua Lo-keng, chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society, made a speech, stating that this meeting is only the beginning of academic activities in mathematics circles. At present, because of the rather heavy workload of university teachers in their studies and the lack of facilities in schools, the academic research can not be fully carried out at present. On the other hand, due to the rapid development of the large-scale development of the motherland, conditions can not but be prepared for the ever-increasing need for research. Therefore, the meeting was held to discuss the direction of development, establish contacts, division of labor and cooperation, in order to gradually start mathematics research work. According to the experience of the Soviet Union and the common view of the mathematics community, it is proposed that the analysis is the mainstream of mathematics and the decision
据《船用导航雷达》No .4,2 0 0 3报导 ,英国正在开发一种“手机雷达” ,可用于跟踪飞机、监视交通流星和超速车辆。实际上 ,它是一种无源雷达 ,是通过被物体反射回来的信号
“Elton John 把自己定义为一个摇滚明星,他确实是一个摇滚明星,而且更像一个出身罗马贵族的摇滚明星。我们一起巡演时,在Elton 的更衣室里,足有一千副墨镜、一百双鞋、五十
茶道,包罗万象而高深莫测,未有能完全明其真谛者。老人品茗,可力求其“道”,在选茶和饮茶过程中,只要有益健康长寿,也就得其“道”了。 选茶 老人是茶叶的主要消费群体。在