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6月25日英国BBC电台发布一条消息称,英国科学家成功研制出全球第一种用卫星导航的“智能炮弹”,并在英国埃塞克斯郡的舒伯里内斯试验场成功地进行了首批试验.这种卫星制导炮弹计划于2005年之前开始制造并投入使用.这种新的炮弹的原理同一般制导炮弹相似,但导向部分却是借助全球卫星定位系统.炮弹内安装了一个小型全球定位系统接收器、一台能够对炮弹所在位置进行跟踪的计算机和弹道修正系统,依靠由24颗低轨道卫星组成的定位系统就可掌握炮弹飞行期间的位置.炮弹发射后,控制电脑将根据信号接收器获得的信息对炮弹飞行路线及高度进行实时调整,当炮弹临近目际物上空时,控制电脑会将炮弹腰部的一圈扇叶弹出,使炮弹减速,从向前飞行迅速改为向下坠落、最后像炸弹一样击中目标.这种“智能炮弹”长60.9cm、直径15cm,每枚造价为几千英镑.英国军事杂志《简氏防务周刊》军事专家说,这一发明将对现代战争带来巨大影响:它使陆军能够迅速准确地对敌人进行炮击,因而使双方的伤亡减少到最小.目前的激光制导炮弹由于受到天气、战场环境以及激光光束狭窄等因素的限制,无法始终锁定目标,实战中并不可靠.卫星制导炮弹能够实现全天候连续导航,导航系统的三维定位精度可达10m,三维速度精度小于0.1m/s.时间精度可达100ns,实 June 25 British BBC radio released a message that British scientists successfully developed the world’s first satellite navigation of “smart shells” and in the United Kingdom, Aberdeen, Superseries test site successfully carried out The first of these tests, a satellite-guided projectile, is scheduled to begin production and put into use by 2005. The new projectile operates on a similar principle to that of a conventional guided projectile, but with the guidance of a global satellite positioning system, a small The GPS receiver, a computer and ballistic correction system that tracks the location of the shell, relies on a positioning system of 24 low-orbit satellites to locate the position during the ballistic flight. After the shell is fired, the control computer will determine The information received by the signal receiver makes real-time adjustments to the trajectory and altitude of the projectile. When the projectile approaches the space above the object, the control computer will eject a circle of blades at the waist of the projectile to decelerate the projectile, rapidly changing from forward flight to Fall, and finally hit the target like a bomb that is 60.9cm long and 15cm in diameter, each costing thousands of pounds. Military experts at Jane’s Defense Weekly magazine say the invention will have a huge impact on the modern war: it enables the Army to bomb the enemy quickly and accurately, thus minimizing casualties on both sides. "The current laser-guided artillery shells Due to weather, battlefield environment and laser beam narrowing and other factors, can not always lock the target in actual combat is not reliable.Satellite-guided rounds can achieve continuous navigation throughout the day, the navigation system 3D positioning accuracy of up to 10m, three-dimensional speed accuracy of less than 0.1 m / s. Time accuracy of up to 100ns, real
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