【摘 要】
Core Tip: Historically there are many good legends about dolphins saving people. In the 5th century BC, Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian, once recorded the wonders of dolphin rescue. Once, musician Arion returned to Greece with a large number of money ships, Corinth, sailors on the voyage intend to make a fortune. Arion see the situation is not good, they pray for sailors promised him to play the final song of life, played on the plunge into the arms of husband sea. Just as he was in critical condition, a dolphin swims, laden with the musician, has been sent him to the Peloponnese. Although this story has been circulating for a long time, many people find it incredible.
BACKGROUND:Retinal microglia has been shown to reactivate in a murine model of pigmentary glaucoma.However,the relationship between microglial activation and in
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The ancient mound “Ishi Butai” in Asuka village in Nara Prefecture was said to have been constructed in the seventh century AD.The person buried in the stone
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人类爱笑,成年人平均每天要笑17次。人为什么爱笑?实际上笑是在无意识中产生的,你不须要作出决定后再去笑,这也就是为什么我们很难制造一个假笑的原因。 事实上,我们的近亲类人猿也会笑。荷兰一位灵长类学家曾专门研究过类人猿的笑声—— 一种嘶哑的喘息声,结果发现,类人猿的笑必定与玩耍有关,常常是对惊奇或者不协调事物的一种反应。比如小黑猩猩追着雄性头领跑,而雄性头领则装成被吓坏了的样子,一路跑一路笑。这种